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CE4 Clearomizer

Your Price:
$2.95 (You save $4.00)
Maximum Purchase:
50 unit(s)


*Purchase 5 or more and receive $.25 OFF of each clearomizer

There is no doubt that the CE4 eGo Clearomizer is one of the best products on the market for e-cigs.  And there are plenty of reasons why it has done so well:

  • It holds 1.6ml of fluid, which means you aren't constantly refilling.
  • Liquid levels are fully visible at all times, so there is no chance of running out of liquid without knowing it's going to happen soon.
  • It produces a great clean tasting vape with little to no hassle.
  • Even the drip tip screws on an off so you don't have to worry about it falling off in your pocket or purse
  • Almost completely maintenance free, it's one of the easiest products to use on the market.
  • It's available in a variety of colors and resistances, and the sleek cone shaped design makes it the perfect match for eGo style batteries and many other devices

And now it's been made even better!!!  Veteran vapers can tell you that occassionally you may run into a problem in which the clearomizer just doesn't make a proper connection with the battery.  This usually happens when you switch between different styles of tanks or screw the battery onto the charger just a bit too far.  What actually is happening is the battery post that makes the connection with the clearomizer to pass the voltage through gets pushed down a little bit leaving a tiny gap between itself and the post on the clearomizer.  Normally it's an easy fix by adjusting the battery post back upwards, but it gets tedious if it happens often.  Now, thanks to the spring loaded post on the new CE4 this is no longer a problem.  It will instantly and properly connect to any battery post and adjust itself using a spring loaded action so that it doesn't force the battery post to move regardless of how tightly the clearomizer is screwed onto the battery.

Alternate Drip Tips are available here: Cartomizer Tips & Accessories (look for the CE4/CE5/Redux drip tips)

Or any 510 drip tip can be used in conjucting with the eGo Clearomizer Drip Tip Adapter

  • Low Resistance Rated 1.8 Ohms at the coil (Recommended Voltage 3.1-3.4V) Perfect for light to moderate vaping on a standard eGo style battery (not twist), but prone to dry/burnt hits when used by heavy vapers.
  • Standard Resistance Rated at 2.8 Ohms at the coil (Recommended Voltage 4.3-4.7V) Perfect for heavy vapers using a standard eGo style battery (not twist) or for light to moderate vapers using an eGo Twist, eVic, etc.
  • High resistance Rated at 4.0 Ohms at the coil (Recommended Voltage 5.4-6.0V) Perfect for high power mods

This product is not a Vision branded clearomizer

This product is NOT the rebuildable version that allows the user to change the wicks and heads.  If you are looking for a rebuildable clearomizer or tank system please check out the CE5 eGo Clearomizer or Vision Mini Vivi Nova Tank System (V3 - Long Wick) - 2.0ml

This Cartomizer works with eGo/eGo-T/eGo-C batteries.  Does not fit 510/510-T batteries

Note - this product does NOT requires a syringe to fill, simply drip e-liquid into the outer chamber to fill

Filling Instruction:

  1. Unscrew the Drip Tip from the clearomizer
  2. Fill the outer chamber with about 1.6ml of E-Liquid (Do not pour E-Liquid into the center tube, it is for airflow only)
  3. Screw the Drip Tip back on
  4. For best results wait a couple of minutes for the E-Liquid to feed to the coil before vaping

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Product Reviews

Showing reviews 1-10 of 375 | Next

  1. Great vaporizer!!

    Posted by Marti on 21st Jun 2014

    Found this to produce waaaaay more vapor than the others that came with my ecig! Easier to fill as well.

  2. Cheap and good

    Posted by Unknown on 20th Jun 2014

    It's cheap, disposable, and works well. Provides a good amount of vapor and doesn't leak. Had it for almost two weeks, use daily, and it hasn't faltered yet.

  3. Great for testing

    Posted by Andy O on 19th Jun 2014

    Great little disposable. Wonderful if you're really not sure about a juice and don't want to bother with dripping.

  4. Pretty good!

    Posted by Joe O. on 16th Jun 2014

    The only thing bad is that it doesn't last very long....about a week if you are lucky.

  5. great bang for the buck......

    Posted by Cap on 13th Jun 2014

    great bang for the buck!...great draw...pick up a few when you order your juice

  6. Great price great productget em while they're hot and these are HOT

    Posted by Susan Brown on 6th Jun 2014

    get em while they're hot and these are HOT

  7. Not cheap Chinese trash

    Posted by joe on 3rd Jun 2014

    So I tried to save a buck and ordered these from a Chinese web-based site. Those lasted ten minutes before burning out, or failing all together. The units from Myfreedomsmokes last a very long time and the price is great.

  8. cheap

    Posted by Unknown on 1st Jun 2014

    These tend to leak or get clogged easily but they are a good price and I have yet to find a store that doesn't sell leaky ce4s. At least here they are a fair price of $3 instead of the typical $5-$11.

  9. Great for the price!

    Posted by Theresa Nichols on 1st Jun 2014

    I just purchased a few of these in different colors. They work great and the price is right.

  10. Very useful

    Posted by Tiffany on 26th May 2014

    For the price you can't bet it. very good product.

Showing reviews 1-10 of 375 | Next

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