Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Joyetech eGo/eGo-T/eGo-C
For new users the world of electronic cigarettes can be quite overwhelming. There are new terms to learn, equipment to become familiar with, maintenance procedures, and modifications options, all of which can vary from brand to brand, model to model, retailer to retailer, or person to person. This guide is meant to provide you with a basic understanding of the most popular electronic cigarette (e-cig) models so you can make informed decisions when it comes to purchasing and upgrading equipment
The Joyetech eGo, eGo-T, and eGo-C are some of the most popular models currently on the market, and rightfully so. They perform well, are of great quality, and their large capacity batteries will last many hours or even days between charges. The eGo models were specifically designed with convenience in mind by allowing extended use between charges in comparison to the mini electronic cigarette models such as the 510/510-T.
As with most electronic cigarettes, the eGo and eGo-T are a three piece design, which consists of a battery, atomizer, and cartridge. The eGo-C differs slightly because the atomizer of the eGo-C can also be broken down into three separate parts, the base, cone, and head. When those three parts are assembled together, the eGo-C’s three piece atomizer and the eGo-T’s one piece atomizer function in exactly the same way. We will discuss the details of the eGo-C’s three part atomizer later on, but for now we will just cover the basics that are similar among all three eGo models.
First let’s establish a basic understanding of the components. The battery serves as the power supply for the device, the atomizer vaporizes the E-Liquid to produce the “smoke” or vapor that you inhale, and the cartridge holds the E-Liquid and feeds or wicks it to the atomizer. While the eGo-T and eGo-C work slightly differently than the standard eGo by using a spike to physically puncture the cartridge, the functionality is very similar on all three models. You can see the standard eGo configuration and how it works in more detail in the picture below:
Each of the three eGo models, the eGo, eGo-T, and eGo-C, use the exact same type of battery. Therefore, the batteries are completely interchangeable among the different models. That being said, there are a few differences in the features of the batteries that are notable.
Newer batteries include a 5-click safety function that allows the battery to be turned off to avoid inadvertent activation. With 5 quick presses of the activation button the battery will be turned off and can be stored safely in a pocket or purse without the chance of it accidentally activating and ruining your atomizer. To turn it back on you simply press the button quickly 5 more times. Many new users may believe that they have received a defective battery because it may be inactive when they receive it, but 5 quick clicks will oftentimes fix the problem by re-activating the battery.
The new eGo-C batteries introduced a new feature that lets the user know when the battery is getting low. When the remaining battery life reaches approximately 20%, the LED that lights up the button when pressed will change from white to blue. This feature can be extremely helpful because nothing is worse than being out and about and having your battery die, leaving you unable to vape.
All eGo, eGo-T, and eGo-C batteries require manual activation. This means that the user must press the button and hold it down while taking a draw. This may seem to be a nuisance for new users, but most people quickly adapt to the routine and generally prefer this method over automatic activation. This is because with manual activation the user has a lot more control over the length and warmth of each draw.
The eGo has three different battery sizes available. As with most electronic cigarettes, larger battery sizes mean longer life between charges and therefore less frequent charging. The three sizes available for eGo batteries are 650mAh, 900mAh, and 1000mAh. These monikers simply refer to the milliamp hour capacity of each battery. The larger the number, the longer the battery life and the larger the battery. However, larger batteries do not mean larger in diameter. All eGo batteries are the same diameter, they simply get longer as they get larger. This means that the 650mAh batteries are 72mm long, 900mAh batteries are 87mm long, and 1000mAh batteries are 97mm long.
eGo Battery Size Comparison
This battery type is actually an accessory that allows for direct power for your e-cig from a computer, AC Adapter, Car Adapter, or any other USB power source. It looks like a standard eGo battery, but has a cap on the end that can be removed to reveal a mini USB port. When plugged into a USB outlet using the included cable the battery not only charges, but can still be used at the same time. This makes the eGo Pass-through perfect for someone that spends a lot of time at their computer, or simply wants to be able to use their battery while it is charging. Best of all the battery can be unplugged and taken on the go just like any other eGo battery and it provides the same extended battery life.
In terms of its placement within the electronic cigarette assembly, the atomizer (atty) is the piece that holds everything together. One end screws into the battery and the other end fits the cartridge. The atomizer is also a very complex piece of equipment bundled into a very small package. It is often the source of issues with performance and taste and therefore it is very important that the new user understand the basics of how it works, how to use it correctly, and the most common problems that users experience.
Basically, the atomizer portion of the electronic cigarette houses the heating element (coil) that is responsible for heating up the liquid and turning it into vapor. In the standard eGo, the coil itself is wrapped around a fiberglass wick and lies within a small pot or chamber, which holds a reserve of e-liquid. Above the coil is a metal mesh “bridge” that draws the liquid from the cartridge to the wick. The eGo-T and eGo-C is slightly different because instead of the “bridge” covered in metal mesh it has a hollow spike with a wick inside located directly in the center of the atomizer. This spike physically punctures the tank cartridges and then wicks the liquid to the coil hidden away inside the assembly. On all three models, as the liquid is heated by the coil and turns to vapor, the draw by the user causes the vapor to be pulled back through the vents in the mouthpiece and into the user’s mouth.
Standard eGo eGo-T
It is important to also note that atomizers, by design, are not meant to last forever. Think of them like a standard light bulb in your home. The coil in the atomizer is very similar to the filament of the light bulb. Each time the button is pressed, it’s like flipping the light switch to turn on the light. The coil is powered and heats up quickly, but when the button is released the coil cools down. Over time, this heating and cooling will cause the coil to eventually malfunction much the same as if you flipped a light on and off many thousands of times. However, since usage varies greatly among electronic cigarette users it is nearly impossible to determine when a malfunction might occur. It is always good to have a few extra atomizers as a “just in case” type of precaution.
The eGo-C Changeable System consists of an atomizer that can be broken down into 3 separate pieces. The 3 pieces are: the atomizer head, which is the working part of the atomizer containing the heating coil; the atomizer base, which holds the head and screws onto the battery; and the atomizer cone, which covers the head and holds the cartridge. By allowing the user to switch out the atomizer head as needed without having to replace the entire assembly, this system can be much cheaper to operate long term. This also makes it perfect for those that like to frequently change the flavor that they are vaping without having to worry about the mixing of flavors from using the same atomizer. Each eGo-C starter kit includes a 5-pack of atomizer heads, which essentially means the user gets five working atomizers in each kit instead of the standard two.
If you get a “gurgling” sound when you draw on the device, you have flooded the atomizer. This means that there is too much liquid in the atomizer for it to properly vaporize. To fix this problem, simply remove the atomizer from the battery and cartridge, place your lips on the cartridge end of the atomizer and blow firmly to push the excess liquid onto a paper towel from the threaded end.
Over time, atomizers may become dirty or clogged due to the flavorings added to E-Liquids accumulating inside of the atomizer as the liquids are vaporized. Some flavors may be more problematic in this area than others due to the varying ingredients in different flavors, but as a general rule of thumb darker color E-Liquids tend to dirty or clog atomizers more quickly than lighter color E-Liquids, though this is not always the case.
As an atomizer becomes dirty or clogged, there are several tell-tale signs that let you know that your atomizer may need cleaning:
If any of the above occurs it is recommended that you clean the atomizer before using any further as continued use in this state could cause harm to the atomizer that is irreparable. By cleaning the atomizer regularly, you may be able to extend the life of your atomizer and improve or restore performance.
There are many methods for cleaning, some more successful than others. “Blowing out” the atomizer is usually the first recommendation and can fix many issues on the fly. As mentioned above as a fix for a flooded atomizer, simply remove the atomizer from the battery and cartridge, place your lips on the cartridge end of the atomizer and blow firmly to push the excess liquid or gunk onto a paper towel from the threaded end. However, if this does not fix the problem try one of the following methods:
Hot Water Rinse – This method works sometimes to fix minor problems
Soaking/Baths – Most recommended and common method, will fix many problems, but takes time.
The Plunger – Much faster cleaning method, will fix many problems. *Requires The Plunger Kit from MyFreedomSmokes.com (must be modified to fit the eGo-C)
*Plunger kit shown here cleaning cartomizer, but atomizer cleaning process is the same
These tips may work on other atomizers, as well.
All too often we see new users that receive their new e-cigarette and immediately fill the cartridge, put it all together and quickly begin vaping away. This is understandable given their excitement of receiving such a new and novel device. However, by doing this the atomizer isn’t properly primed and the fluid isn’t given enough time to reach the atomizer coil which can result in a burnt taste, or worse, a destroyed atomizer and horrible first experience. Please take note of the suggestions above as they will save you a lot of time and money in the long run.
***Important Note! - Sometimes even after the initial fill and priming of the atomizer it is necessary to prime it again to ensure that no air bubbles are blocking the flow of the liquid. A good example of why this is necessary is the eGo-T system. In the eGo-T there is a spike directly in the center of the atomizer that protrudes into the cartridge. If the cartridge is less than half full and the e-cig is placed in a horizontal position for an extended period, then the liquid level falls below the wick. This could allow the wick to dry and air to replace the fluid that was once there. When the e-cig is turned upright again, that air bubble could stop the flow of liquid from resuming to the atomizer coil. Priming it again by puffing and blowing air through the assembly until a slight gurgle is heard without firing the atomizer is the only way to ensure that the proper flow of liquid has resumed.
While the cartridge on a eGo may seem like a simple piece of plastic that holds E-Liquid it is actually a rather complex assembly designed to both feed E-Liquid to the atomizer at a consistent rate and deliver vapor through the mouthpiece when the user takes a draw. The mouthpiece end of the cartridge also has a small chamber to catch excess liquid as vapor is drawn through the cartridge. Looking closely you can see that there are air channels on either side of the E-Liquid chamber through which the vapor travels from the atomizer to the mouth. This means that the vapor does not travel through the E-Liquid chamber, but instead travels around it to the mouthpiece chamber. This is true of the eGo, eGo-T, and eGo-C models.
Inside of the E-Liquid chamber of the eGo cartridge you will find filler material made of polyester or nylon batting. It serves as somewhat of a sponge to keep the E-Liquid in its designed chamber until it is wicked to the atomizer as needed. Without this filler the E-Liquid would simply dump directly into the atomizer as the cartridge is inserted, causing lots of leaking and flooding to occur. The excess liquid left in the filler material over time can eventually get "gummy" and affect the taste, throat hit or draw, so the filler should occasionally be removed, rinsed and dried for reuse.
Some users like to get rid of the filler altogether and choose to “direct drip.” This is done by simply dripping 2-3 drops of E-Liquid directly onto the atomizer coil. While many do this by simply removing and replacing the included mouthpiece every time they drip, a much easier method is to purchase a drip tip designed specifically for this purpose. A drip tip replaces the cartridge and will allow you to drip directly onto the atomizer without the need for removing the tip because the hole in the tip is enlarged. Proponents of dripping feel that it gives more consistant vapor and throat hit while also providing better or more flavor. The downside is that it may take some experimenting to determine the correct number of drops to use. Too few and you risk overheating and destroying your atomizer, or at least experiencing a harsh burnt taste. Too many drops and you risk flooding the atomizer which can result in excess fluid getting into your mouth or destroying the atomizer because it is working so hard to vaporize the extra fluid. This method is not recommended for the eGo-T or eGo-C.
The eGo-T and eGo-C is designed somewhat differently so that it does not require filler material. Essentially the atomizer and cartridge were redesigned in such a way that the cartridge is actually punctured by a spike sticking up from the center of the atomizer. The punctured hole is sealed by the spike and cartridge end cap to prevent leaking. Since it is sealed the wick inside of the hollow spike can wick the liquid directly from the E-Liquid chamber of the cartridge to the coil of the atomizer without the need for filler. The wick itself serves to regulate the flow of the liquid to eliminate flooding issues.
There are four common charging components available for most eGo batteries: USB Wire Chargers, A/C adapters, Car adapters, and Portable Charging Cases (PCC’s).
USB Wire Chargers: Charges a single battery and plugs directly into your computer’s USB port. Place the threaded end of the battery in the hole and screw it in place until the light turns red. It will turn green when charged. (Some chargers are slightly different and have only a red light that stays on during charging and turns off when fully charged)
A/C Adapters: These aren’t full chargers, but are simply converters that allow you to plug the USB charger directly into the A/C adapter. They consist of an A/C wall plug and have a 5 volt USB outlet.
Car Adapters: Like the A/C Adapters above these are merely converters so that you can plug the USB Wire Charger directly into the Car Adapter.
eGo Portable Charging Cases (PCC’s): Charges a single battery while on the go and also holds several extra pieces of equipment in storage such as extra atomizers, cartridges, or even a small bottle of E-Liquid. Plug into a USB port to recharge the case using the included cord that has a mini USB on one end and a standard USB on the other.