Not only do the voltage, resistance, and usage influence the lifetime of the atomizer, but the e-liquid used in the device will influence it also.
Using a more pure e-liquid and lower nicotine strengths will extend the life of the atomizer. Even the purest of flavors and nicotine contain a small amount of impurity (
Regular cleaning will also help to reduce or slow the buildup of these impurities. See the next section for tips on cleaning atomizers.
Over time, atomizers may become dirty or clogged due to the flavorings added to E-Liquids accumulating inside of the atomizer as the liquids are vaporized. Some flavors may be more problematic in this area than others due to the varying ingredients in different flavors, but as a general rule of thumb darker color E-Liquids tend to dirty or clog atomizers more quickly than lighter color E-Liquids, though this is not always the case.
As an atomizer becomes dirty or clogged, there are several tell-tale signs that let you know that your atomizer may need cleaning:
If any of the above occurs it is recommended that you clean the atomizer before using any further. By doing so, you may be able to extend the life of your atomizer and improve or restore performance.
There are many methods for cleaning, some more successful than others. “Blowing out” the atomizer is usually the first recommendation and can fix many issues on the fly. As mentioned above as a fix for a flooded atomizer, simply remove the atomizer from the battery and cartridge, place your lips on the cartridge end of the atomizer and blow firmly to push the excess liquid or gunk onto a paper towel from the threaded end. However, if this does not fix the problem try one of the following methods:
Hot Water Rinse – This method works sometimes to fix minor problems
Soaking/Baths – Most recommended and common method, will fix many problems, but takes time.
The Plunger – Much faster cleaning method, will fix many problems. *Requires The Plunger Kit from
As vapers we are often excited to receive new e-cig hardware and want to use it right away. However, if the proper steps are not taken to prime the new equipment it can result in poor performance, a burnt wick, and a shortened life span for atomizers or cartomizers. To avoid these problems it is very important to make sure the atomizer is properly primed. We recommend the following procedure:
***Important Note! - Sometimes even after the initial fill and priming of the atomizer it is necessary to prime it again to ensure that no air bubbles are blocking the flow of the liquid. A good example of why this is necessary is the eGo-T system. In the eGo-T there is a spike directly in the center of the atomizer that protrudes into the cartridge. If the cartridge is less than half full and the e-cig is placed in a horizontal position for an extended period, then the liquid level falls below the wick. This could allow the wick to dry and air to replace the fluid that was once there. When the e-cig is turned upright again, that air bubble could stop the flow of liquid from resuming to the atomizer coil. Priming it again by puffing and blowing air through the assembly until a slight gurgle is heard without firing the atomizer is the only way to ensure that the proper flow of liquid has resumed.
Most tank atomizers such as the 510-T, eGo-T, and eGo-C or cartomizers such as dual coil cartos, clearomizers, and DCT's will not work well with thicker liquids. With each puff the liquid closest to the heating coil is being vaporized, and thicker VG liquids are often unable to wick fast enough to re-saturate the area fully between puffs. If the heating coil is fired while dry, it becomes very easy to burn the wick and results in a burnt or harsh taste that may remain permanently.