We are happy to answer your call to offer advice and even walk you through placing your order online. Essentially, when your order is placed online our software does all the work to process the order and it automatically goes into our fulfillment process. Unfortunately, this is not the case for orders placed over the phone. When placing an order over the phone all order processing is handled manually by a member of our staff. Therefore, if you prefer to place your order over the phone a fee of at least $5.95 and up to $10.95 will be charged to cover the costs of the additional work that is required to process your order.
It is often mentioned that security of personal information is one of the main reasons for placing orders via the phone. We at MyFreedomSmokes.com certainly understand the fear of allowing your personal information to get into the wrong hands and have taken every feasible step possible to prevent this from occurring. You can rest assured that all portions of our site in which personal information is entered is properly secured and encrypted for your protection. Also, when placing the order over the phone your payment information is still relayed through the same online gateway to our credit card processor.
In order to keep our orders processing and shipping on schedule phone orders cannot be placed on Mondays and may not be available during some periods Tuesday - Friday.