Feel like your eGo electronic cigarette is just too big? Or, need something that is easy to carry as a backup?
Pick up one of thse Mini eGo 420mAh batteries to suit your needs.
Standing at approximately 60mm tall this little guy still has a 420mAh capacity to keep you vaping strong for hours on end.
5-Click function allows you to turn the battery on and off at your convenience and can be charged using a standard eGo/eGo-T/eGo-C USB Wire Charger
Newest batch DOES have the attached string and clasp
Price is for one battery
Showing reviews 1-10 of 11 | Next
Posted by Janz on 16th Aug 2013
I bought this one just to size down the carry around thing you know and have pretty much used it all day. The thing is like the energizer bunny, I've only had to charge it once and have used it for two weeks already. I also do not vape continuously all day because it is new to me and I do not want to overdo it, but you will not believe it. Also bought the new nano clearomizer, interesting combo. Just don't tip it over.
Posted by Julie on 5th Jul 2013
Super small for easy for palming the vape and go. Good for stashing in tiny purses for going ou or suit jacket to vape in your office
Posted by Brian B on 2nd Jul 2013
After being a twist fan for a while, I thought this would make a good backup. Now I just carry 2 of these. They both last all day because I like to carry to flavors around. At low and standard resistance, these are perfect.
Posted by turtletoo4u on 7th Jun 2013
I bought this specifically for stealth vaping. I love my little guy. battery life is way longer than I expected. And at the price makes me happy ..which deserves 2 thumbs up :)
Posted by mrbuttons on 6th May 2013
Really like the batt and the idea. Wish it was a little stronger... amps wise. Lasts long and discreet. Happy with the purchase.
Posted by Nolajax on 2nd May 2013
Last through a day. Smaller and fits in the coin pocket of my jeans. Perfect.
Posted by Unknown on 12th Jan 2013
Great little battery that lasts a long time and is discrete.
Posted by carp on 28th Dec 2012
I got this with the idea of taking it to work well had to give it to the wife. She loves the small size and how well it holds a charge. I did use it for a day and a half before I had to charge it the first time and it was the only thing I used. I guess I will have to get a couple more with my next order.
Posted by Pauly on 28th Dec 2012
Not only does this little battery make a great spare to carry around for when your power goes down, but it also makes the Ego so small you can palm it and use it in places that you would normally wouldn't. No funny looks while in line or a fancy restaurant.
Posted by Earache on 13th Dec 2012
Received one of these yesterday and gave it a top-off charge last night. I decided to give it the stress test in the morning since the majority of my heavy vaping occurs then and during my commute. Well, here I am 6 hours later and this little guy is still going strong with moderate use the last 4 hours. I’m impressed. Working flawlessly with the Ego-C cone and standard resistance atty. Excellent build quality and threading with the Ego and 510 connections is just as good as Joyetech. The activation button has a nice sturdy feel and the size is perfect for more low key vaping or putting in your pocket. MFS definitely has a winner here. The only complaint I have is the brightness of the button LED, I wished Joytech and other manufacturers would tone them down a bit or color the center black to have a small outer glowing ring.
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