Don't let it fool you, this new "Mini" eGo Passthrough provides BIG performance.
***This product may not be compatible with low resistance atomizers/cartomizers/clearomizers rated below 2.0 ohms resistance. Those rated at 2.0 ohms or higher should function normally.
Posted by Unknown on 13th Dec 2012
Just got this today along my Vivi Nova (bloody awesome tank). Works really well but I have no idea what voltage each setting is. Comparing it to my VV Twist, it seems to be around 3.2, 3.8, 4.2, 4.7 going by flavor, heat and vapor production. How accurate that is however, lord knows.
As I use 2.8 Ohm attys, the two higher settings are all I need and it really works well. My only little qualm is the size. It's really small and a bit hard to grip, not made any easier by the smooth chrome finish. But that's a small nitpick that is nothing but simple opinion. Button works well, sticks out well enough and the ego thread is perfect. Works with all my cartos (CE2, CE5, Nova)