Feel like your eGo electronic cigarette is just too big? Or, need something that is easy to carry as a backup?
Pick up one of thse Mini eGo 420mAh batteries to suit your needs.
Standing at approximately 60mm tall this little guy still has a 420mAh capacity to keep you vaping strong for hours on end.
5-Click function allows you to turn the battery on and off at your convenience and can be charged using a standard eGo/eGo-T/eGo-C USB Wire Charger
Newest batch DOES have the attached string and clasp
Price is for one battery
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Posted by Tennessee on 2nd Dec 2012
Perfect for social vaping or a super compact backup. With a clearomizer attached it's really small and fits well in a shirt pocket. I bought one and now I want more! The charge lasts a long time and the price is sweet too! I'm impressed!
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