These are genuine Vision branded Spinner batteries rated at a huge 1300mAh capacity. They are slightly larger in diameter than other eGo style batteries because of the larger capacity that allows them to last longer between charges.
Using the adjustable dial at the bottom of the battery the user can adjust the voltage up or down between 3.3V and 4.8V. This allows the user to fine tune their vaping experience by matching the correct voltage to the resistance and flavor they are currently using. Then when switching to a new resistance or flavor they can easily adjust to match it perfectly as well.
These batteries have a safety feature that will de-activate the button so that the battery can be stored without accidently being activated. Simply press the battery button 5 times quickly and the battery will be de-activated. Press quickly 5 more times to re-activate it for normal operation.
Operating at too high of a voltage will cause a burnt taste and can quickly damage your atomizer/cartomizer/clearomizer. If burnt too much the atomizer/cartomizer/clearomizer may always taste burnt. Therefore it is best when attaching a new heating element to start at a low voltage and slowly work your way up in voltage (pausing for 15-30 seconds between hits to allow time for the liquid to wick properly) until a slight burnt taste is noticed. Once the burnt taste is noticed, back the voltage down a little until the burnt taste is no longer there. However, a burnt taste can still occur if you take several puffs in a row, so if you are a heavier vaper then it may be best to back it down a bit further to avoid this.
***eGo Batteries should only be charged with a proper eGo compatible charger (output rating should be 420mA). Compatible chargers include: eGo/eGo-T/eGo-C USB Wire Charger. Use of other chargers (even if the battery will fit the charger) will void warranty and may cause battery to fail, become defective, or even explode.
Showing reviews 1-10 of 53 | Next
Posted by Unknown on 17th Mar 2014
I bought this after trying my brother's Spinner. This thing is freaking awesome! I can make the hit cool and smooth or turn it up a lil' for a stronger hit. The battery lasts almost 2 days at the lower setting.
Posted by Unknown on 16th Mar 2014
I just wish we could get the same quality and look bit more compact. But I use it daily it stays with me unless it's on the charger.
Posted by Safety Bill on 14th Mar 2014
I use two different ohm coils depending on what eliquid I'm vaping, and it's nice to have a single style battery that I can adjust up or down to suit the coil/juice at the moment. They usually last 2+ days on a charge, even at the higher voltages. I have a black one and a stainless one, and as another reviewer said, the stainless is hard to read the settings. The black one I can read with no problem. When I replace the stainless one, it will not be with another stainless (although, with the stainless Aspire BDC glassomizer, it REALLY looks sci-fi). But that's on me; the battery is awesome!
Posted by Unknown on 13th Mar 2014
Like them so much I've got 3
Posted by Brienne Dugas on 10th Mar 2014
I haven't had a single issue with my Rainbow, so I was surprised at the comments. In fact, I'm buying another right now.
Posted by Patrick on 10th Mar 2014
This battery definitely has lived up to my expectations. I was skeptical about whether or not it would increase the amount of vape I get from my protank II. It helps produce the vape I wasn't able to get with the battery that came with the starter kit. I am happy with it and the customer service I received when I called to inquire about it. I will order from this company in the future.
Posted by Blake Hinson on 2nd Mar 2014
Great in all ways, its a tiny bit fatter than similar ego versions, but it holds more power, so its understandable. Great battery all around so far.
Posted by Rochelle on 28th Feb 2014
They are Great except the RAINBOW ones are JUNK have thrown 3 away and will not get any more
Posted by Rochelle on 28th Feb 2014
The rainbow 1300 vision spinners are junk mine broke the second day clear button is flimsy. Called customer service about and girl said someone would call back that has been 3 days ago still no call. The other spinner 1300 are great made much better. Will not order rainbow again and would recommend that where ever they are purchasing the rainbow ones from they get a different supplier/maker becaust I have had to throw away 3 rainbow ones so will Not buy again.
Posted by JBUZZ on 27th Feb 2014
I like the size of this battery.It's about the same height of an 1100 just a little fatter.It last about 8 hours but it all depends on the volts you vape at. The higher the volts lessons it's time.
Showing reviews 1-10 of 53 | Next