100% compatible with eGo and eGo-T
This is a genuine Joyetech eGo-C Pass-Through rated at 650mAh capacity.
Passthrough battery compatible with eGo/eGo-T/eGo-C parts
This particular passthrough can be used both while plugged into the USB or on the go, making it perfect for someone that is very mobile. Simply unscrew the end cap and plug it in using the included cable via the Mini-USB port located directly on the end of the battery, you can still use it while it charges, and then unplug it and take it with you when you leave. When not connected to the charger it performs just like any other eGo battery and provides a long life between charges.
3.3v Rechargeable battery with 650mAh capacity will last a very long time between charges.
These batteries have a safety feature that will de-activate the button so that the battery can be stored without accidently being activated. Simply press the battery button 5 times quickly and the battery will be de-activated. Press quickly 5 more times to re-activate it for normal operation.
New features on the eGo-C Batteries:
Showing reviews 1-10 of 24 | Next
Posted by Lisa T on 6th Mar 2014
Genuine joytect. Excellent price. Love that I can vape while charging if need be. You wont be dissatisfied. Great gift for friends as a stater or as a back up.
Posted by gene on 7th Feb 2014
This is a better system than the one in the starter kit.
Posted by Unknown on 16th Jan 2014
Love that I can smoke and charge at the same time if neccesary!!
Posted by DC on 11th Jan 2014
This is the only place I can find these for this price. love these batts for on the go use! Can't go wrong with a passthrough!
Posted by JOHN on 10th Dec 2013
So far - excellent. Genuine. Price is very fair and will buy again.
Posted by JOHN BRUNK on 3rd Dec 2013
This is my first eGo-C Passthrough battery. I thought I was ordering correctly, but seem to have been a bit "unknowing" (MY OWN FAULT). I have several "650MaH eGo-C UPGRADE Passthroughs" and through MY OWN ERROR did not see this is the previous generation battery. It still works FINE thus far, but is slightly different from the "UPGRADE". 'Freedom' offers that as well I believe - so next time I will READ more closely. By then I also will be better educated on the various "models". NOTHING AGAINST 'Freedom" - this was MY mistake! I also saved $4.00 when compared to MY LOCAL SHOP! As long as it functions for the expected period of time - I am out nothing and 100% satisfied.
MOST IMPRESSED with the PACKAGING to PROTECT the items -- SPEED OF SHIPMENT even over Thanksgiving weekend and overall 'deals' in the "SALE"! ORDERED on FRIDAY and RECEIVED on MONDAY! That is superb Order Fulfilment! All I need to do is "READ MORE CLOSELY"!
SUPERB JOB -- simply superb!
Senile John in New Mexico
Posted by Happy customer on 31st Aug 2013
The Pass-through is fabulous. This was a replacement for one I have had for over a year that finally died. It was about 3/8 of an inch longer than my previous 650ma eGo-C Pass-Through which was surprising. Hopefully Joyetech fixed the problem they have with the usb connection to the battery breaking which is what killed my last one. (many diy fixes on youtube for this problem)
Posted by DBTex on 12th Aug 2013
I really enjoy the convenience of being able to charge the battery and vape at the same time thereby eliminating any issues with a dead or low battery in the future. I bought this as a back-up to my 1000mah ego which does not have pass through capability. When fully charged, it seems to last a good 5-7 hours before needing to be re-charged. Also, like another review reported below I am having issues with my button sticking as well. If I am using it indoors the button light is easy enough to spot not going out but in bright outdoor lighting it's a bit harder to see that the light is still on.
Posted by JT on 24th May 2013
I love this little guy, its only a 650 so for heavy vapors like myself that will not get through a full day, but thats why its passthrough :) I keep it charging while puffing away at my desk working, when I get up to go do something it's always good to go. You don't need to unscrew your tank/carto/atty everytime it needs to be charged, you just pop out the USB and go about your business. And its coming from MFS so you know its good quality.. Its a worker thats for sure, i vape like its got the cure for something and this little guy hasn't let me down once.
Posted by Unknown on 11th May 2013
After having it for a little while I have confirmed the battery life is very poor I'm sure I just got an odd man out. This battery will only last about half a day. and my ego from Apollo I got several months ago lasts about a day and a half. I'm sure they are good batteries I just got the odd one out that's not so great.
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