Compatible with 510/510-T and eGo/eGo-T batteries
Available in Black AND Stainless Steel
Posted by Unknown on 20th Jun 2014
Like them alot
Posted by david plummer on 24th May 2014
Amazing cartos. Pulls flavor through excellent, lasts a dang long time before you gotta refill the wick material, top notch vapor production for it being just a cartomizer, and last but not least the price is f* awesome!
Posted by jed on 3rd Feb 2014
Always good hardly any duds. Smoktech single coil is all I use. Please keep these stocked MFS. Im good for at least a couple 5 packs a month. I use light flavoring and these last forever.
Posted by Jerry O. on 6th May 2013
Well seems like they cant keep em on the shelf. so they arent ordering enough or they aren't ordering frequently enough. its that simple. plus whatever kinda rubber ends they use nowadays are a bit to small and they keep falling out. HUGE pain the the azz.
Posted by Mike on 18th Apr 2013
I used to be a die-hard atomizer fan using the drip method. I then started using these once when the atomizers I used were out of stock and I needed to make an order. After my first set I am hooked on these. Occasionally I'll get one in a pack of five that seems to have less filler material inside, or that has a bit of a burnt taste, but I can't complain for the price. Better than when I used to buy a pack of cigarettes only to find out the entire $10 pack was stale. After experiencing that I can deal with those two small issues I rarely have come across with these cartomizers.
Posted by adkent61 on 4th Apr 2013
One was just burnt tasting. The others worked good. So ya 4 outa 5 stars seems appropriate.... ;~)
Posted by Micha on 30th Mar 2013
These carts are really rock solid and always deliver the same great performance. Also, now that I got the Plunger Kit, I get better smoke right off the bat (no more fiddling with proper fill ups or with priming -- I use a reos mod and this can sometimes get tedious).
All that being said, I am going to try one of the clear tank/cartomizers solutions because mine somehow I keep clogging my carts after about 3 days of use (I do use it quite heavily).
Posted by Cuzie on 3rd Dec 2012
I burned one already just testing the drip and condom method. Not a chance which was expected, but otherwise these things are great. Don't have to constantly fill, but unfortunately you need that syringe handy. Which I broke... Blah. Excellent flavor and vapor production..
P.S. I use to be a BOGE enthusiast and hated smoketech, but recently somethings been off with all ordered boges from all vendors, and these ones seem to have gotten better. ATM, these got it over boges all day