Chocolate VG E-Liquid
Posted by Janz on 16th Aug 2013
At firs thought i was weak, well I did not know you had to let them steep, I mean after all they do make them there so it does make perfect sense. I bought the chocolate eliquid to add a tang more chocolate, don't actually need it once it blends, but now can add to any other fruit I want to cover in chocolate..
Posted by Unknown on 10th Oct 2012
I received a sample of this VG version after having largely given up on chocolate flavors as they just didn't have much in common with what I consider chocolate. With the unmistakeable aroma of freshly powdered cocoa on the inhale and the smoothness and great vapor of your VG liquid on the exhale, I was fooled, even if for a while, into thinking I was enjoying real, pure, chocolate. I give it 4 stars only because, occasionally, I take a "drag" and it tastes nothing like chocolate. Don't know what that's about but it's ok because usually, after some time, I'm back to enjoying pure chocolate deliciousness. Thanks MFS! You guys really do come through on all fronts!
Posted by Unknown on 3rd Sep 2012
This has a good taste. It is a bit strong and reminds me of choc syrup. Over all not bad.