Old style Imagine the tobacco leaves, gently cured and oak wood fire smoked. A deep taste that takes you on the wild prairie, enjoying a hot cup of coffee at the side of a camp fire. Start with 1%
Posted by George on 12th Jul 2013
First off, this must steep for awhile. For me,the taste transitioned from a strong tobacco (almost pipe like) to a slightly sweet, spicy tobacco taste. I really enjoy starting off my day with this juice. I mix 5% FA- Latakia, 0.5% Guaiacol, 2%FA - MTS - Vape Wizard into a 30/70 PG/VG unflavored 24mg nic base. The final juice is ~35PG/65VG.
My most enjoyable vape with this mix, to date, is at 3.7V in a Z-Atty tank coiled to 3.0 ohms over a 400 mesh SS wick. I've used a T3 Kanger with this at 4.5W and it is good, but the previous setup is the cleanest.
I watched a Youtube review of this by two guys and they thought it tasted like salsa. I can see that assessment coming from the spicy note this flavor produces, but I've never had salsa with a strong tobacco taste. So, I guess I only partially agree with them; it is spicy but it has pleasing tobacco undertones which hang in the palette after exhale.
I can't do this one all day, as the flavor over saturates my buds after about an hour and it simply tastes sweet. I switch off to Johnson Creek Domestic (or their Wisconsin Frost) for an hour (through a Kanger T3) then return. These are good complimentary juices.
Overall, this is a great vape. Let it steep for several days to a week and you might like it as much as I do. If you have access to a Z-Atty type tank and variable volt mod you will give this flavor it's best opportunity to impress.
Posted by Earache on 7th Sep 2012
Just finished mixing a 6ML bottle (70/30 - PG/VG @18mg)with 2% of this and testing it in a 510 cartomizer. The description of this is spot on. TH is moderate to mild. I'm sure after a day or two of steeping the flavor will intensify and be awesome in my Ego-C with twist battery. So far it could use just a dash of sweetness on its own, or be mixed with other mellow semi sweet flavorings. I'll be ordering this again.