A great way to give e-cigs a try or introduce a friend or family member to the world of e-cigs these disposable electronic cigarettes are similar to the ones that are sold in stores for $10 or more
Dimensions: 4.75" x .5"
The Disposable E-Cigarette is powered by pre-charged 3.6V cylindrical lithium battery. Fully Automatic Electronic device that automatically fires with each puff taken so it operates just like a real cigarette except there is no smoke, ash, or butts to deal with. Take a puff whenever you like and set it down for as long as you want without worrying about it going out. The ultimate in convenience.
Posted by Samantha Thomas on 23rd Apr 2014
My own biological mother says I don't have a filter btw my brain & what I say b/c what I think comes out of my mouth without thinking of whether if will hurt feelings or not. Brutal honesty is mine to bear & I do so proudly. I've lost some dear friends in my life who were far too young & had the rest of their lives ahead of them. Perhaps that's the reason I gave the 3 disposable e-cigs I had to my closest 3 friends who were still using the analog-killing rolls of death that comes off the assembly line within the plants of Big Tobacco.
It's not easy for me to make close-friend connections but when I do, they are friends for life & I'd do most anything for them - including doing what I can to keep them alive. The disposable e-cigs went to the dearest of friends & a family member in my life who were too precious for me to lose at such a young age, as I have lost so many over the years long before they had a chance to live, to really live. This was one of the ways I let those who are close to me now have an option available to make a choice at changing a part of their lives that they can. My only wish is to be able to afford more of these to give out. Regardless, the ones I had have made an impact on these 3 people's lives & that's what counts.
They are putting down the poison & picking up the safer nicotine-included option that doesn't contain the 4000+ cancer-causing carcinogens in analog cigarettes. They are losing & some have already lost the smoker's cough, the desire for analogs in general, and one other is still wavering between them but will soon be giving up the analogs for good once they can figure their sweet spot for the heavy nicotine-craving times by using a higher nicotine dose in a 6ml marked bottle for when the cravings are at their highest in the early 1st to 2nd year, while having a regular e-liquid 6ml bottle for the non-high craving periods. I'm sure if I can make it after walking away from analogs on July 7th, 2009, without so much as a glance backwards - they can do it too.
I may not have the propensity to make friends quickly as others do; I may have even been born without the filter that supposedly exists btw the brain and what comes out of my mouth when I'm 'brutally honest' as my biological mother proclaims; however - the one thing I am thankful for & hope for the most is to keep the friendships I've made over the years intact and by intact, I mean alive and still going whether we are able to only see each other every few years or a few times a month. This is one day to do that b/c it's the one way to keep them alive as well as showing them there are alternatives to analog cigarettes. It's ultimately their choice to make the switch yet I think showing them there's another way to get the same satisfaction gained from analogs but in a safer manner goes a long way in securing the friendships I've made and that's a good thing.
If anyone has friends with problems from analogs and you know it's going to kill them if they don't quit or switch, pick up a few of these and give them an alternative to analogs as well as a better & new lease on life - especially if you want them in your life for a long time...
Posted by Susan Brown on 7th Apr 2014
elegant looking, a real step up