This is a genuine Joyetech Low resistance Type A eGo-T atomizer.
Low resistance atomizers burn hotter than standard atomizers and therefore produce a warmer vapor, however, they may burn out or or degrade more quickly.
Compatible with any eGo/eGo-T or eGo-C battery, but only Compatible with Type A eGo-T Cartridges (5 Pack)
Type A Cartridges only work with eGo-T Type A Atomizers which are cone shaped (tapered or smaller at one end than the other)
Type B Cartridges only work with eGo-T Type B Atomizers which are cylinder shaped (straight walls that create the same sized opening at both ends)
Posted by James Kennedy on 24th Feb 2014
Work good with a good hit. Replace your atomizers when you feel like you have to give too much effort to get a good hit.
Posted by John D. on 17th Oct 2013
Some last longer than others but on the whole, they are great. Tons of vapor using VG.
Posted by Unknown on 6th Jun 2013
I had no problems with this atomizer. It doesn't get clogged as fast as high resistance.
Posted by Prado Girl on 5th May 2013
This atty is the Best I have ever used.The vapor is very constant.The throat hit is GREAT!I give it a 10out of 10
Posted by Sara on 3rd Jan 2013
I'm a big fan of the tank system-- I love the way these attys hit and the flavorful vapor that they provide. However, I've found that they are a little temperamental. Every now and then they get a burnt taste, which can be remedied by removing the tank and blowing out the ejuice (blow from the top so that the juice drips out the battery end).
Sometimes they're due for a good cleaning. Baking soda and vinegar works well for this, as does the "Sunday Morning at Vicky's Kitchen" method.
If you take care of them, these atomizers will last a good while, definitely longer than clearos. And you really can't beat the price at MFS!
Posted by Unknown on 15th Sep 2012
Lr provide a better throat hit. They last for about 1-2wks then i toss them.
Posted by Mark Lancaster on 21st Aug 2012
My first set lasted for a couple months before burning out. I bought two more last week and one is burnt out and the other is going. I love it when it works like it should but seems inconsistant.
Posted by Michael F. on 16th Aug 2012
This was my second LR "A" atomizer, and my intent was to ensure I had a backup atomizer in case my first LR "A" quits on me. I immediately cleaned it after it arrived, let it dry, and used it for the better part of a day. Rotated in some of my thicker flavors and it vapes like a champ!
Like any atomizer, you have to dial in what it meshes well with. I am very happy with the quality and durability of the Joyetech "A" LR atomizers!
Posted by Unknown on 29th Jun 2012
i've found that the ego-t low resistance atomizer is the best for flavor and vapor