The Kayfun Lite is a rebuildable atomizer designed to enhance the flavor of your juice. It uses a chamber to house your wick and coil, which concentrates the vapor and produces a bold flavor. The Kayfun is made of stainless steel with an optional clear polypropylene window so you can see how much juice is remaining. Because the Kayfun Lite is rebuildable, you can achieve your perfect vaping experience. The Kayfun Lite comes with everything you need for your first build, along with replacement parts. If you've been searching for your perfect vape, this is the atomizer to make it happen!
1 x Kayfun Lite Rebuildable Atomizer w/ Drip Tip
1 x Translucent Polypropylene Window
Showing reviews 1-10 of 12 | Next
Posted by Bob on 25th Jun 2014
This thing is great. Holds a good amount of juice plus the performance is like a dripper. Has become my everyday vape
Posted by George Gibson on 24th Jun 2014
This is my first rta but works as I expected. will probably buy in black also
Posted by Willy on 24th Jun 2014
My first rebuildable tank... Tast great easy to build and no leaks. Must have. Looks great in my 26650 and my eVic
Posted by RAM on 19th Jun 2014
This unit kicks butt. Been vapeing for several years now and finally decided to get a true RBA. After several weeks of research decided to go with the kayfun. You will not be disappointed. This is very easy to build and there is plenty of information out there to assist you. This is by fare the best vape I have gotten from a device. Going to be hard to find something better.
Posted by Kenneth Gauthier on 16th Jun 2014
I am really impressed with the Kayfun. Once you get it working correctly and figure out how it works it is really awesome to use. Making coils is a lot easier than I thought. I must add, since no one else has, this tank is very heavy. If you are used to a mini tank it will take a little while to get used to the tank. Also as others have stated get an ohm meter you will need it.
Posted by Frank Mattia on 6th Jun 2014
I own many different kayfun/ Russian clones and I must admit this one would have to be up there and probably my favourite atty at the moment.
It has the smoothest draw and flavour is great including the build quality & finish is no.1.
Will buy more of these, very happy, this is a bargain they are worth more than they are listed for
Posted by The Mad Kraker on 5th Jun 2014
Got 2 of these about a month ago. My first Kayfun but not my first rebuildable. Been dripping for a long time now and gotta say this is an outstanding vape. Right out of the box, clean it with Dawn and hot water to remove the machine oil. I drilled the air hole out to 5/64" and the draw is perfect. not as airy as a dripper, but perfect for this device. Never had any issue with leaking that wasn't user error. Air flow is not adjustable as a previous review indicated. Cannot say enough good about this tank.
Posted by Keegan Widner on 28th May 2014
I didn't purchase my kayfun lite from this vendor. But I must say, it's hands down the most simple RBA to build and have running well. Kanthal, and cotton balls are all you need to get yourself into vape heaven.
Posted by Unknown on 24th May 2014
I couldn't be happier with my purchase. Installed a micro coil with organic cotton & the flavor can't be beat! I had a small issue on my 1st build & was getting a burnt taste with popping on fire. Took it apart & saw 1 of my leads was touching inside of chimney. Would recommend to anyone thinking about buying a rebuildable.
Posted by Jay Kornahrens on 17th May 2014
Hits great. No leaks. No flooding. Flavor does not diminish. By far the best tank I have owned.
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