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SmokTech Redux eGo Clearomizer

Your Price:
$4.95 (You save $2.04)


The new Redux eGo Clearomizer from SmokTech is an amazing upgrade for your vaping experience.  This product is very easy to use, cheap to operate, and an outstanding performer, making it a favorite among new and experienced users alike.

This product is very similar to the CE5 eGo Clearomizer and also includes the added benefit of a changeable head.  The new changeable head system means that the coil and wick can quickly and easily be swapped out as needed.  This drastically reduces replacement costs and makes it easy to switch from flavor to flavor. 

This product also has a flat tip mouthpiece that many users prefer and since the Low Resistance heads are rated at 1.8ohm, they perform extremely well with eGo/eGo-T/eGo-C batteries. Higher resistance heads rated at 2.4ohms are available as a replacement for this product and are recommended for those using higher voltage or variable voltage devices.

Check out the videos below to see how to disassemble, change the head, and fill the SmokTech eGo Clearomizer.

Tank holds approximately 1.6ml of E-Liquid.

This Cartomizer works with eGo/eGo-T/eGo-C batteries.  Does not fit 510/510-T batteries

Note - this product does NOT require a syringe to fill, simply drip e-liquid into the outer chamber to fill

Filling Instruction:

  1. Unscrew the Drip Tip from the clearomizer
  2. Fill the outer chamber with about 1.6ml of E-Liquid (Do not pour E-Liquid into the center tube, it is for airflow only)
  3. Screw the Drip Tip back on
  4. For best results wait a couple of minutes for the E-Liquid to feed to the coil before vaping

To Change the Head:

  1. Unscrew the Drip Tip from the Clearomizer
  2. Pour out any remaining liquid
  3. Unscrew the tube from the base
  4. Unscrew the head from the base
  5. Screw and new head on and reassemble 




Product Videos

How To Fill The SmokTech Redux eGo Clearomizer - MyFreedomSmokes.com (02:05)
Quick video showing how to fill the SmokTech Redux eGo Clearomizer. This device is very simple to use, and when combined with the Low Resistance 1.8ohm atomizer heads on the eGo battery, it produces tons of vapor. Thanks for watchingProducts shown here are available for sale at MyFreedomSmokes.com. Click the link below to go to browse our site.Homepage: https://www.myfreedomsmokes.com
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    Quick video showing how to disassemble and change the heads on...
  • How To Fill Th...
    Quick video showing how to fill the SmokTech Redux eGo Clearom...

Product Reviews

  1. Best Clearomizer for the money!

    Posted by Bruce on 6th Oct 2012

    This thing hits hard with a 1.8 ohm atomizer on my Joeytech 18650 mod on regulated 3.6 volts. Lasts for over two days of heavy vaping. I added two more notches in the bottom of the knerled base to let more air in and splayed out the wicks to get more solution to the coil. Big differance. No more dry hits.

  2. Get the CE5'S

    Posted by jason on 4th Oct 2012

    well i ordered 5 of these to try out after having a few ce5's separate at the tank these have much better tanks and looks like they used a lot more glue on them but thats about the only plus.

    out of the 5 i got only 2 worked one had no threads were it connects to the battery so it couldn't screw in the other two were shorted and would trip the security feature in the batterys and not fire up.

    out of the two that actually worked only one of them would actually give a good vape the other was very week and gave airy hits.

    so basically what i did was use the innards from the CE5's i have on hand and use the tanks from these,same threads works great.
    also the atomizers from the ce5's work on these but not the other way around but if i were you i would just use all of the the ce5's innards as these ones are obviously not insulated well and apparently dont pass any sort of inspection as i have never once bought a ecig part that they actually forgot to thread the device lol

  3. redux

    Posted by Jackjaw on 2nd Oct 2012

    Love the clearamizers redux 1.8 -2 ohm and like the flat mouth piece , but when you screw the mouth pc on it, it doesn't line up to the button on the battery - so you have to get use to the battery button on the side. Just feels weird that the mouth pc doesn't line up, That's my only prob. Love the draw from them too and no leakage

  4. Burns

    Posted by Tina on 1st Oct 2012

    All I got from these is burnt, don't recommend, then I was told you need to draw on them without power & blow to prime them well that works for one drag then you have to do it again or it's burnt. By the time your through blowing & sucking you don't have breath to take a drag then you have to do it all over again. DON'T RECOMMEND AT ALL !!!

  5. 1.8 ohms

    Posted by Mike on 30th Sep 2012

    Well, the 1.8 ohms, causes lot less draws, so actually saving battery life. It's hot quick, and never have to warm things up. I like it. Using Ego T and the smoke quality is great. Reason for 4 is it does change taste, but much like changing smokes, from one brand to another, about the same. I've been smoke free for 10 weeks now, after a pack a day regulars. Never thought I would quit. Now I get my nicotine hits from vaping, and don't think I want to go backwards. I seem to be having some problems with PG, so have VG coming, and will try that. Otherwises I may just stop entirely. This from a 30 die hard true smoker. Ciao...

  6. Using With Joyetech Ego-T 18650 Tube Mod

    Posted by Scott on 24th Sep 2012

    I think these are Smoktech's answer to the CE5. I haven't tried the CE5 so nothing to compare it to.

    I got my order today and immediately popped one on. I can't stress this enough...I LOVE IT! The only issue I have with it is that it is giving the juice a slightly different flavor. I expect this to change over the next few days as the wick starts drawing a little better. I had tis problem with my Vivi Nova too when I first got it but once the wick started drawing well it was fine.

    I've found my new regular clearo in these. I see no reason to use anything else! I've now retired my Vivi Nova which was my everyday tank before today. I just love everything about this new item.

    The only thing I would change would be the tips. I don't like flat tips so much but switching it out with an old CE4 tip worked just fine.

    I most definitely recommend this product. The fact that the replacement heads are a little cheaper than the CE5 make it an even more obvious choice.

  7. 1.8 Ohms with Ego T

    Posted by Mike on 24th Sep 2012

    Works wonders, though when first loaded it made my juice taste a bit different, but after 2 days of smoking, It will be fine. The instant heat, and able to draw without setting inhaling 5 and 6 times to heat up a 2.4 ohm atomizer makes the world of difference. I think the extra battery usage will be made up for by less inhaling as I get a quicker hit the first time, and every time. Seems to be well constucted, better than my old favorite, CE4, the knurled base to unscrew when replacing atomizer, is also kinda cool looking, besides being functional. The interior stem for drawing through you can tell is well made metal to high tolerances, and seats and seals well. Haven't done a drop test. HA. I does seem though either I am hitting more, or the low ohms does use a bit more juice than normal. Either way this is a keeper for me. Will be all I order from now on.

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