These replacement heads are designed to fit the KangerTech Protank 3 - Dual Coil Pyrex Glass 2.5ml Bottom Feed Tank (BCC)
Available in 2.0 ohm Resistance ONLY
Changing Instructions:
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Posted by Svaton on 27th Dec 2013
Some seem to be better than others but overall great and a must have if your on the protank 3
Posted by Samantha T. on 16th Dec 2013
The Pro-Tank line by Kangertech leaves me at a bit of a loss as to which category to place it as it's listed as both a cartomizer & a tank unit; either way, it's done reasonably well since my 1st Kanger Pro-Tank purchase.
Kanger took the liberty & the brave approach when they exchanged extra weight for a more durable material for the tank portion of their products in this line. The greatest choice by the designers is the use of Pyrex for the tank as anybody, man or woman, who has spent any time in a kitchen can attest to the damned near indestructibility of of Pyrex products. Many kitchens across the world have cabinets, counters, cupboards, & pantries with Pyrex measuring cups, serving-ware, bake-ware, & other items made from or by Pyrex. These items often pass thru multiple generations or are side-lined as yard sale items or even gifts donated to those who are setting up their own home for the 1st time w/no parent or guardian to care for them. My own cabinets have pieces that have been with me when I rented my 1st apt. I've even passed some pieces along to my brother as he struck out on his own for the 1st time as well as doing the same for my oldest daughter when she first became an independent woman, then sent more some yrs later when she married as she & her DH became the start of a new family joining even more families together.
Again, the designers made a wise choice in trading in the plastic/poly-something material for Pyrex as it will not crack & leak, which can become quite the mess when this occurs away from home.
The Pro-Tank 2 was my initial dip into this line & it is quite amazing & durable as well as being an ease to refill, even when out & about or traveling. The coils are easy to find & reasonably priced. After the debut of the Pro-Tank 3 w/the 'dual coil' option left me unable to resist buying it to find out if it held up to the 5-Star rating of it's predecessor.
I am somewhat in a quandary w/regard to the Pro-Tank 3. At 1st blush, if you will, it gives the same amazing clarity of flavor of every flavor I try, which is so rare. The draw, as with the PT2 was not too tight or too airy. The initial coil lasted a good long while, which is consistent w/the PT2; hwr, after the 2nd coil change, I found the draw too tight & the flavor changed. I changed the coil for another only to find that my SID Mod gives me an error about a high-load, which I'm not sure why or what this means as of yet. The batteries are the same as I used with the initial coil that came with the unit so this cannot be the issue gone awry.
The pack of 'dual coils' I bought for when the ones that came with the unit req'd trading out for new ones is when the trouble began so I cannot help but think the issue may be the result of a bad batch of coils. It is something I plan to take up w/MFS to learn if a bad batch of coils are the culprit b/c I cannot imagine this unit performing so well w/the initial coils yet so poorly with the replacement coils, which are the exact coils required for use & are of the Kangertech brand.
The only reason for the 4-Star rating is due to the question mark reg'g the too-tight draw & the error message on my SID each time I attempt to use the PT3 w/the new coils I purchased. I'm thru 3 of the 5pk so far & in the meantime I am back using the PT2 until I have the time to try the last of the dual coils I have along w/a single coil from a different batch, if available, to find out if it is nothing more than an assembly line fault not caught by Kangertech's quality-control monitoring.
Considering the initial results, I cannot help but recommend the PT3; hwr, a word of advice... The Pro-Tank 2 will accept Kangertech coils from the initial model, EVOD, & a few other "tank" coils but this is not the case with the Pro Tank 3. It will ONLY accept "dual coils" that are made for this product so it is a bit limiting. The upside is the initial inspection of use of the original coils & that was actually equal to, if not a bit better than the Pro-Tank 2's quality of use. The draw, clarity of flavor, lack of too hot or too cool of a taste, when properly setting the voltage or wattage when using VV/VW units was quite impressive.
If MFS can update my interview rating once I get to the bottom of the dual-coil/Pro-Tank 3 dilemma & a new coil batch corrects the problem, I will ask if they will allow me to upgrade this review to 5 Stars but until then, I must drop a star pending further testing & searching out why the sudden loss of usability when opening the new Kangertech Dual Coil 5-pk coils after having such marvelous previous results.
Until then... I recommend the PT3 but I would question about any bad batches of replacement coils that may have come out b/c the coils last a long while for certain but they are not everlasting & will require replacement when necessary.
Uncertain but Hopeful...
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