Pipe E-Liquid
Customer Review:
I smoked the Backwoods Sweet Aromatic cigars for a lot of years and loved them. I gave them up for vaping a year ago and have been on the prowl for a similar flavor, with no success... until today. The Pipe tobacco I just received from you is almost a dead-ringer for them
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Posted by Bruce on 22nd Oct 2012
A delicious blend remniscent of a favorite blend from my old tobacconist. Smooth but not tame, a genuine pipe tobacco experience.
Drip it straight, or add a bit to a blend to give a tobacco flavor a broader palette. Awesome juice!
Posted by Krusifuc on 25th Sep 2012
Delicious vape. A touch sweeter than I expected, but delicious nonetheless. Could be ENTIRELY my fault, as I am fairly new to vaping, but I think I preferred this juice BEFORE it had time to steep. Think I might give "French Pipe" a whirl next.
Posted by Ryan on 20th Mar 2012
recieved a sample bottle in my order and was amazed at how much it reminded me of sitting in a resturant and the guy in the corner smoking his pipe, with the sweet smell drifting towards me. the taste was sweet with a rich tobacco taste and a slight nutty flavor. the exhale brought on a very old school aftertaste that instantly brings back memories of sitting in the grandparents den and listening to stories of old times while the room is scented with rich tobacco aromas. one of the best tasting eliquids i have ever had the chance to vape.
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