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Posted by Frances on 11th Jun 2014
By itself, it's a bit heavy for me, but PERFECT to add some richness to other favorites. I like to 1 part DJ Vanilla with 2 parts Cream. Adding a few drops of mint makes it refreshing and smooth.
Posted by Brian on 10th May 2014
really hard to taste the clove in this one , but it's still a great flavor works really good in my dripper
Posted by Tara Paul on 30th Apr 2014
I do not taste clove, but the flavor of this e juice was pretty good.
Posted by n3 on 13th Mar 2014
Smoked Djarum Specials for years. Quit and started using MFP products. Still searching for the right mix of my style of clove flavor but in the mean time this flavor is awesome and would be great to mix with what ever clove flavor you find.
Posted by valerie on 23rd Feb 2014
Dijarum Vanilla flavored E-liquid has a nice, mellow, taste of the smell also. It's one of my favorite flavors, so far!!
Posted by ns3 on 7th Feb 2014
Not what I expected as far as vanilla clove flavor but is great to mix in with other clove flavors for a great sweet taste. Still getting use to the flavor since I just quit Djarum Specials and other flavors for about 15 years. so if you are a real clove smoker the vanilla and the other really strong clove oils MFP has can help you to find a really good mix
Posted by Peggy on 16th Aug 2013
I didn't even realize this had clove in it but it may explain why I like it so much. Ordered it at first just to experiment with something different and now it is a fav. Only problem is I like it so much I can't keep it around!
Posted by MFouche on 13th Jul 2013
Can't taste the Clove though. Not much at all, really. But the taste is amazing at 6mg!
Gives me something to enjoy in my spare time for sure!
Posted by DJFester on 25th Dec 2012
This Vanilla one is a little too smooth and mild on the clove flavor for me. Having tried all of MFS various clove juices now, I'll be going with the Djarum Black and Djarum Cherry as my go-to clove juices. The Gold and Vanilla ones just don't give me the same kick of clove flavor, and the generic clove juice is like the old clove gum... which is good at first, but then gets too sweet after a while for me.
Posted by Elindor on 13th Nov 2012
Used to be my favorite, and I still smoke it. I switch off between spicy and a sweeter juice. Its reminiscent of Djarum, but I think most of the enjoyment of a clove cigarette were the fire and the clove dust which you can't recreate in a juice. It still does have a rich, smooth, exotic flavor tho.
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