Everything is better with bacon right? While bacon flavored e-liquids have been done before, none seem to live up to expectations. Well, we've finally found the answer for all of you bacon lovers out there. This e-liquid is a premium blend of flavorings that results in an e-liquid that tastes like hickory smoked thick cut bacon mixed with a hint of maple syrup. You've got savory, sweet, and smoky flavors all melding together which makes this one a really complex flavor that just keeps getting better with each puff.
Posted by Bill Strange on 7th Jun 2014
I was totally taken by surprise by this juice. From the first vape I could smell bacon frying in a pan, and the bacon grease too. That was my first impression, and remains so today. A real treat, highly recommend it
Posted by Kelli on 2nd Jun 2014
I really like this juice, it tastes exactly like maple syrup, which I love!
Posted by Jenn on 15th Apr 2014
If I'm being completely honest, I had very low expectations for this juice. I mean, bacon flavored...? Seriously?!
I got my shipment and decided to load up one of my brand new Pyrex tanks with it. I took my first puff and got a very pleasant surprise. It is delicious! Like all ejuices, it is not an exact match but you get a definite essence of buttery, syrupy pancakes and bacon when vaping this one.
Very tasty. My new favorite morning coffee vape.
Posted by SKW on 8th Apr 2014
It is good - I actually taste the saltiness of it. Going to order an apple and add a bit of that to it to try to bring out more of the sweetness. If you want something different this is the one to go with. Not sweet or overly bland - nice balance.
Posted by Kim and Adam on 7th Apr 2014
Well, this flavor is different than your normal vape taste.. Tastes just like bacon, but a bit too much for me. Not a favorite, but it does taste like bacon!
Posted by Michelle on 6th Apr 2014
This is ok if you like a smoky meat flavor. I do love the maple flavor it has but I can't vape this too much. It is very strong for me but everyone has there own taste and opinion.
Posted by Steven Johnson on 1st Apr 2014
Let me start out by saying it is a decent flavor, I will have it on Sunday mornings with coffee. That being said this is more of a maple flavoring than bacon.
Posted by allan reyes on 25th Mar 2014
well this sucks i just put in another order for more ejuices and now comes a bacon flavor!!!! can you guys make a chocolate covered bacon too? and anyway that i can get a sample of this?