Mentha spicata (Spearmint) is a species of mint. A very refreshing and subtle flavor.
Posted by john on 16th Aug 2013
Iam new to vaping, but this is a strong flavor. I recommend that you mixe with another flavor if you are a or enjoy smoking fruit flavor.
Posted by Wyld on 17th Jul 2013
WOW! Was so happy to see this back! PLEEEEESE don't stop making this one - I tried this when I first found your site, and it was may absolute FAVE - nice and mellow/smooth, loaded with flavor - it's unique, minty but not like regular spearmint at all - and a definite must-try for any menthol smoker. THANKS!!
Posted by Eric on 21st Jul 2012
Enjoy it thoroughly, and it mixes well, if that's your thing.
Posted by Ralph W. on 29th May 2012
I had ordered my regular US Light eliquid from MFS and they sent me a free sample of Mentha Spicata. I was like, that's a weird name! I tried it and it was a very strong flavor. Mostly menthol, some bit of mint and something else I'm not sure of. Anyhow, I left the sample for like a month and then tried it again and was like, wow, this stuff is good! So I ordered a 30ml and I'm esmoking it regular now. It's a rich full flavor so if you like strong menthol with 'a bit of something else' in it, you'll probably like Mentha Spicata.