Cappuccino E-Liquid
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Posted by Deborah on 15th Jun 2014
Very strong flavor. I also used a few drops of vanilla and a few drops of sweetner in this. This made it into one of my favorites.
Posted by Andreas Bang on 14th Jun 2014
If you like strong taste this is for you. Some juice were too weak that is why I opted stronger taste. Not very good for this case.
Like sme review not the the taste I was expecting.
Posted by Margaret Sheehy on 11th Jun 2014
This didn't taste remotely like Cappuccino but it wasn't distasteful. Reminded me of watered down chocolate.
Posted by Staci on 19th May 2014
After reading all of the GREAT reviews on this, imagine my surprise when I get this and it taste like burnt rubber! Not sweet. Not coffee at all! So disappointed that I have wasted my money on this product based on the good reviews.
*Reply from Alex*
No Staci, we do not post false reviews. I'm sorry you didn't like the liquid though.
Posted by Susan Brown on 12th May 2014
if you like lots of flavor this is for you
Posted by azkid on 27th Apr 2014
I'm into the coffee flavors & usually purchase exactly that, always the extra strong as I mix my own.
The cappuccino doesn't taste much like cap or coffee, but does have a pleasant kind of chocolate taste & aroma.
I'll use it up, and keep trying to find that deep coffee flavor I crave.
myfreedomsmokes is the best place to purchase e-cig stuff though. NO HOLDS BARRED! Always quick on delivery, BEST values, no hassle w/ return on DOA electronics, and I don't shop anywhere else!
Posted by Topher Seoul on 26th Apr 2014
I didn't care much for this when I vaped it on delivery. After letting it steep for five days (in a box with the cap off), the flavor has deepened to a genuine coffee with three creams and three sugars.
Posted by Topher Seoul on 19th Apr 2014
Has the sweet sugary taste of the kind powdered cappuccino mixes you buy in a tin. That's not a bad flavor, but it doesn't suit my tastes. If you're looking for a candy flavor, this might bees for you. To me, it doesn't taste like a real cappuccino. 6 out of 10, where 5 is average.
Posted by Eric Gamliel on 16th Mar 2014
Very dry chemically tasting. Kind of smells like nail polish and baby formula. I bought this after reading the great reviews. Then I realized that EVERY FLAVOR HAS AWESOME REVIEWS!!! How could so many people have such great things to say about this terrible flavor, unless somehow the bad reviews are mysteriously disappearing? Hmmmmm...
*Reply from Alex*
Nothing is disappearing, we just don't get a lot of complaints on our eLiquid honestly. That's the crazy thing about taste buds though huh? 10 people could hate something but 10 other people could love it. We're sorry you didn't care for this one though.
Posted by Unknown on 30th Nov 2013
A nice flavor but now quite the cappuccino I was expecting.
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