Mild and gentle This flavour is a mellower than the Dark vapure,with a gentle flavour and a light licorice undertone. Start with 1%
Posted by Unknown on 10th Dec 2013
This flavor took some getting used to, It is strong, so you really do have to start at 1%. I usually mix this with menthol as the tobacco flavors are a bit tricky to perfect.
Posted by Unknown on 28th Oct 2013
enjoying it. Im liking it more than 7 leaves but less than Virginia..
Posted by Unknown on 7th Dec 2012
Dark Vapor gives lighter tobacco flavors some hard kick. Mixes very well, love it.
Posted by cc on 4th Jun 2012
The description is pretty dead on once you know what dark vapure is like. It just loses the light chocolate undertone for something else. Very likeable and mimics actual tobacco like DV does.