Our very own premium version of Apricot concentrated flavoring. Potent and flavorful.
Posted by Unknown on 24th Jun 2014
got a sample of apricot with my order I vaped the whole bottle in a few hrs (little help from friends)I ordered this trying to duplicate the sample I got, not quite there but good enough hopefully I get it right before the end of the bottle. If I don't burn myself out on the flavor I will buy it again.
Posted by Susan Brown on 26th May 2014
try this one!
Posted by Brent Newton on 20th May 2014
I got a free sample of this flavor in my last order and it is by far the best tasting thing I have ever vaped. I have no idea if I could match it myself, but I'm sure going to try.
Posted by Roland on 15th May 2014
It's wonderful!
Posted by Unknown on 6th May 2014
This is by far the strongest flavor I've gotten on this site. Tastes great but be careful how much you add to your mix, it'll overtake softer flavors with ease.