A new flavor from Ultimate project. The "Toscano" is the finest Italian cigar. This flavor developed with Toscano as target, offers a nice, smooth and delicate cigar flavor with a hint of charcoal smokiness in the background. An excellent vape after a robust dinner?ΓΏ
Limited Quantities Available. Once this product is sold out we may no longer carry this flavor
Posted by Unknown on 19th Jun 2014
Was surprised how well this one tastes!! Definitely needs steeping but good flavor!!
Posted by George on 24th Jul 2013
The day I mixed this it had a definite floral taste. Thankfully, after 4 days the floral taste has been replaced by a pleasant tobacco essence with a very slight sour-dough background note. Yes, that's right, I said, "...sour-dough". Besides the main flavor of Tuscan Reserve, my recipe is identical to the one I use with Latakia:
5% Tuscan Resv.,
0.5% Guaiacol,
2% Vape Wizard
This is put into 24mg, 30/70 PG/VG unflavored nic-juice.
I heated then let this mixture cool 2 times (approx. 30 min total time), shaking occassionaly, then vaping. I am vaping this mix in a T3 Kanger at 4.5W. At the initial vape, I was not favorably impressed by this flavor. I don't like smoking flowers (or perfume) so it put me off. Letting it sit in the T3 for a day then vaping again I noticed it was changing for the better (better for me means more of a tobacco taste). The tobacco taste has gotten stronger after each day. There is little, if any, floral note left in the vapor as of day 4. The Guaiacol has lent a slight smoke taste to the exhale, which I find very satisfying. Flavor Arts describes this as having a hint of charcoal, so perhaps the Guaiacol and their charcoal taste work together . . . who knows?
I can't say it tastes like any cigar I've had but, then, I'm not a cigar connoisseur by any stretch of the imagination.
This is a milder vape at 5% than Latakia at 5%. The Latakia has a distinct spicy, more heavy tobacco flavor while the Tuscan Reserve imparts more of cigarette tobacco.
Again, this needs to steep. If you like floral tobacco flavor, then mix in small batches and vape it up before day 2 is over.
At the percentages I have listed above and after 4 days of steeping, I can say I really enjoy this flavor. I am confident when letting someone take a test vape that they will at least say, "Not bad". I'm never going to be close to the level of Johnson Creek when it comes to crafting ejuice, so a "Not bad" is the best I can hope for. Beside, Do It Yourself is generally for yourself, right? So the objective has been achieved if I'm satisfied.