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FA - RY4

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An old favorite in the vaper world. Now we have made it for you.

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Product Reviews

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  1. Good, But I Don't See What All The Fuss Is

    Posted by Unknown on 24th Aug 2012

    I got some of this to DIY and find it to be an average smoke. I don't really get the tobacco flavor as others have stated but it's still a decent mellow vape. Maybe I need to work with different amounts in the mix but at 10% and 15% I'm just not all that greatly impressed.

    My order came with a sample of MFS' 4-Star General and I really wish I could get some of that concentrate. That was the best tobacco flavor I've found yet. Was hoping this RY4 would be similar to it but no such luck.

  2. Love it!!!

    Posted by Unknown on 17th Aug 2012


  3. A lot of Bang for you Buck

    Posted by MuggyJen on 1st Aug 2012

    I am pleased with every item I have purchased here and WILL NOT go anywhere else to get my eliquid...I'd be crazy. The RY4 is one of the best I have tried as far as flavor and it makes it worth my while to make my own... THANK YOU MFS!

  4. very good flavor

    Posted by OnTheVirg on 23rd Jul 2012

    this is all i use now. i mix it as 15 percent flavor with my juice. 75pg 25vg. lots of flavor using an ego t and ego c 1000mah passthrough battery.
    to me its a slightly sweet smoke flavor.
    Thanks for a great product and great prices here at MFS. OnTheVirg

  5. the BEST

    Posted by Morri from ecf on 7th Jul 2012

    I really love this ry4 and it is the best I have tried. I use it as a base for my special recipe and everyone loves it. ;)

  6. Wonderful Wonderful RY4

    Posted by Morri from ecf on 28th Jun 2012

    I had received a sample of this flavor and so I know already that steeping is necessary and I also mix other flavors to make this RY4 my own, but I will tell you this. This is the 5th RY4 flavor I have tried and I don't need to try another. ;)

    It is really really good. Fresh taste but also full flavored. My husband loves it.

  7. Better than the TFA version

    Posted by Tim, NC on 19th Jun 2012

    Since everyones taste buds are different, there's really no need for going into details. But, I would have to say the FA-RY4 is not bitter like the TFA-RY4, therefore the FA version is better.

  8. STEEPING/ very necessary ;)

    Posted by jed on 11th Jun 2012

    I had issues at first thinking I got a flavorless bottle, 'b cause of the clear look and no smell to it. I was expecting a sweeter flavor. (MFS was very helpful w/my concerns,btw) anyhow, after 7-10 days give or take, my mix took on a little more color and a ton of flavor.
    I did have to use alot of sweetener, and some vanilla and caramel and extra flavoring. About 20% actually. Sounds like alot but I enjoyed and still am enjoying my first DIY batch. I learned a lesson in steeping. I used to think steeping was a myth or just unnecessary or whatnot. In my experience before this, liquid lost flavor as it aged. Idk. I do recommend trying this with what MFS suggested I do, caramel and vanilla. With the smoke type flavor this has, it tastes great in a boge SR carto, at 4.5-4.8 volts. Tastey stuff. I'm serious. Haha ;) OK I'm done.

  9. Super

    Posted by Ram on 4th Jun 2012

    I had always wanted to try Flavour Art and all I have to say is Excellent product.. This is the best RY4 I have ever tried. I used it at 2%flavor 75/25 pg/vg blend works great on my ego-C.

    Myfreedomsmokes has the best prices...

  10. not much color

    Posted by jed on 1st Jun 2012

    I haven't used this yet . Its pretty clear in color which might be a good thing. Not a strong smell. I'm not sure what its gonna be like. I've never tried adding my own flavor. Will update when I do. ;)

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