This product is a replacement pyrex tube for the Kangertech Mini Protank 2 & 3 3.5ml BCC. It is simply a replacement tube to be used if your protank tube has been lost or damaged. It cannot be used without the remainder of the mini protank pieces.
Posted by Unknown on 16th Jun 2014
Very convenient if you have more than one mini tank.
Posted by Cameron From Florida on 13th Jun 2014
While there is certainly nothing wrong with the standard clear tubes that come on the Kanger mini series of tanks. It is definitely a good idea to have a spare tube on hand, just in case. Though I will say, I own four different Kanger glass tubed tanks and I have not had one of the glass tubes break yet. I personally love the blue glass tube, it looks amazing my Kanger Mini ProTank 3.
Posted by Mariann on 13th Apr 2014
I love to mix up my batts and tanks so they do not look like everyone else. With my batts it is easy, but the tanks are all plain. I love how it made my tank look and the color is perfect! I paired it with a matching color drip tip. Perfect!! The best part is that it is still the glass I love so much!
Posted by DC on 28th Mar 2014
Fits Great and lets you add some color to your kanger. Or replace a broken tube.
Posted by Unknown on 20th Mar 2014
Let's you be unique
Posted by Candace on 6th Mar 2014
Bought these to have some color on my mfs designer battery. Fits great and looks oh so cool!
Posted by Pandora Wilde on 16th Feb 2014
MFS made a rare mistake and shipped me the V2 Mini Protank instead of these. Once the tubes arrived I actually paid for the products, because they only fit the V2 tank, not the first Protank Mini at all, so I pretty much needed the new tank to use the replacements I had.
That said, I'm delighted with this little booger--it's cute as heck on my VV 350 mAh eGo (from the holiday special--hated the CE4 those came with so I popped one of these on it and WOW!) and I can even stealth vape with it! The shorter length on the V2 helps a ton with that, even if it seems top-heavy. I love it and the purple tube looks great with the chrome. Now all I need is a pretty purple 350mAh batt to really class them up.
Posted by Don on 3rd Feb 2014
Everyone that sees these ask me where they can get them. These make your mini look awesome. I prefer the blue one, but grey blends well with the gun metal base on the mini.
Posted by Unknown on 7th Jan 2014
Works Great! Easy to replace!