Dropper bottles are perfect for applications where small amounts of liquid are needed.
These are high density polyethylene cylinder bottles.
Perfect for storing small amounts of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) supplies such as Propylene Glycol (PG) or Vegetable Glyerine (VG) for mixing, flavorings, among other things.
Posted by Unknown on 1st Jul 2013
great size ...I carry a few around with me with my favorite flavors ..Thanks !!
Posted by e. mitchum on 30th Jun 2013
love the size. just the right size for my purse..
Posted by Unknown on 7th Jun 2013
These are handy little bottles -- stock up!
Posted by Unknown on 4th Apr 2013
These bottles are good quality and can be refilled over and over. The dropper top holes are too small though, and I had to poke them with an 18ga needle. Still great bottles with no leaking.
Posted by Frank Call on 18th Feb 2013
but tough with viscous liquids
Posted by 100% VG on 12th Jan 2013
This 15ml Dropper Bottle is very good. The size is perfect for me. The Dropper Tip is made much better than others I’ve had. I really like the way it snaps in and out. The Dropper Tip design is flatter where it fits into the bottle. Others have a longer tube design where it fits into the bottle, making it harder to get the last few drops out.
The Tip better, too. It is rounded more at the end, making it Sharper, and a little easier to get into tight spaces on a Clearomizer or Tank System. And the inner Channel that leads to the Tip is better, too. Others have a Lip inside that that folds back inward, and catches the last few drops. This Channel is a solid tube that goes all the way out to the Tip. However, this inner tube channel visibly gets narrower from the Tip to the Base, so 100% VG is very hard to squeeze though this very small hole. I'll have to drill it out to the same diameter as the Tip for better flow. So it does not get 5 Stars.
The one in the Picture is Orange. Mine is basically clear, but a little cloudy white. The Darker Color would have been good, but the E-Liquid really doesn’t last long enough to create an issue from Light Exposure, so this color is OK.