***New Design - no modification needed to fit eGo-C, Clearomizers, etc.
Here at MyFreedomSmokes.com, we are always looking for ways to make vaping easier. Currently we are developing a brand new product called The Plunger Kit that will be a game changer for the vaping community.
Are you tired of if taking forever to drip E-Liquids into your cartomizers? Tired of getting E-Liquid all over your cartomizer and hands when you miss drip or overfill? Tired of not being able to change flavors in your cartomizer or atomizer because you can't get it fully cleaned? Well The Plunger Kit solves all of those problems and more.
This product will completely change the way that you fill and clean all of your cartomizers. It even cleans atomizers with ease.
**Can be modified to have 901/KR808 threads instead of 510 threads, or can be used in conjunction with an adapter to clean 801, 901, KR-808, etc. atomizers and cartomizers. 510-801 adapter, 510-901/KR808 adapter
Easy to use instructions:
For filling a cartomizer
For cleaning a cartomizer (or atomizer)
See product images for examples of how to use this product.
Kit includes:
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Posted by Mikie B on 6th Oct 2013
I've been very impressed with the many uses of this simple kit. Must have for D.I.Y users.
Posted by Unknown on 5th Sep 2013
My friends use this carto filler method. It is convenient and much cleaner and quicker than other methods I have tried. Great machine work and useful kit!!!
Posted by Max on 26th Aug 2013
Looks wicked. Not sure how to use it and will experiment or look for some tutorials. But I'm positive this kit will be needed at some point for cleaning out clearomizers and small bits of ejuice collecting at the bottom of things.
Posted by Unknown on 26th Jul 2013
This works excellent for cleaning cartos, i would give it five stars but i cant really use it to fill my prepunched ones that i use with my tanks :D
Posted by Unknown on 12th Jun 2013
Cleaned my CE5 clearo within a minute or two, let it stand unassembled overnight and put a new flavor in. Could not taste the old flavor at all. Would help to have some directions with the product, or at least a slip of paper with a URL to the plunger video I've seen.
Posted by Unknown on 14th Apr 2013
I love the plunger kit for cleaning the clearomizers it makes it so easy and gets most of the water out so it doesn't take long to dry
Posted by Joe S. on 13th Apr 2013
I was surprised at how well this product worked. I have had no problems using it. I wouldn't say it gets your used carto's back to new but most definitely adds life time to them. Great product, I would suggest to anyone who wants to save some money on carto replacements.
Posted by Marc G on 12th Apr 2013
Yup... if you use a lot of cartos, this thing is handy.
Would be nice if you could buy the adapter only, or individual pieces...
Posted by Batman on 29th Mar 2013
LOVE IT! works great. Great for cleaning, filling, and just straight up use! LOVE IT works great! buying more just to have parts on hand
Posted by Scott on 9th Mar 2013
Using The Plunger to clean the atomizer assy and cartridges for my eGo-C e-cig. Same for the clearomizer. Very easy to use. Great for flavor changes and restoring vapor output! Glad I bought it!
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