Slim Menthol E-Liquid
Posted by Jules on 26th Jun 2012
This product is STRONG! I really wonder if my e juice was mislabled. i have smoked VS Menthol Lights for years. (I don't want to give away my age). Even the regular were not this strong. i've even diluted it down!!! Still looking for the VS Menthol Light vape.
Posted by Shelly on 22nd May 2012
Previously I smoked Virginia Slims Menthol. I have found that this flavor is exactly what I was looking for...I mix it half and half with Virginia VG E-Liquid and it makes the perfect blend!
Posted by Bree on 27th Apr 2012
I used to smoke Misty Menthol 120s or Virginia Slims 120s Menthol (a pack a day) and have tried at least a dozen Menthols with utter dissatifaction and sadness. I thought I would have to settle.. which means that I didn't think I could stay quit. But, then I tried the Slims, and let me tell you.. it's Very Very Close to Virginia Slims 120s. Since then, my transition has been easy and fun. Once I found Slims, I never looked back. Thank you!
Posted by C. Lancaster on 20th Apr 2012
I was a VS smoker for 30 yrs. Thank you so much for developing this flavor!!
Posted by BQuinones, NY on 9th Apr 2011
I've been vaping since December of last year and have tried several menthol flavors looking for one to match my brand. This is the BEST I have tasted, and as good as it gets for a match to the Virginia Slim Light Menthol which was my brand for 20 yrs. AWESOME JOB/JUICE BY MYFREEDOMSMOKES! Thank you!