The rounded shoulder design has proven reliable a thousand times over for containing almost any liquid or solid. Use amber for light-sensitive materials.
Perfect for storing large or small amounts of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) supplies such as Propylene Glycol (PG) or Vegetable Glyerine (VG) for mixing, flavorings, among other things
Posted by FaceTheBob on 3rd Aug 2012
I bought 8 125 ml. bottles for my sister and I to store our precious nic. The caps are perfect, no leaking and great for hibernation in the freezer. Thanks M.F.S.
Posted by Unknown on 29th Jun 2012
They're kind of a standbye for me. I use this size more often than the others because they fit in my pocket more easily. These bottles are perfect for juice. They're shatter resistant, the dropper makes them good for dropping, and they're not so big that I feel like I'm a drug addict walking down the street with it. Perfection. Everyone needs 100 of them, I figure.
Posted by Ginnygurl from Homeyha (Omaha) on 12th Jun 2012
The perfect addition to e-cig supplies. The dropper cap is perfect for filling up the Vision carto... & anything else that you would need to drip with... FIVE STARS *****
Posted by Unknown on 25th Apr 2012
I finally splurged and bought myself a bottle each of PG and VG. I wanted some nice bottles for the liquids on my desk, and keep the large plastic bottles somewhere else. These amber bottles are so classy looking! They look like the old fashioned apothocary(sp?) bottles. The droppers are great, producing a nice slow measured drip when my eliquids need a boost. Definately a great addition to the e-cig section of my desk.