This is a genuine Joyetech eGo Pass-Through rated at 650mAh capacity.
Passthrough battery compatible with eGo/eGo-T/eGo-C parts
The particular passthrough can be used both while plugged into the USB or on the go, making it perfect for someone that is very mobile. Simply unscrew the end cap and plug it in using the included cable via the Mini-USB port located directly on the end of the battery, you can still use it while it charges, and then unplug it and take it with you when you leave. When not connected to the charger it performs just like any other eGo battery and provides a long life between charges.
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Posted by Unknown on 14th Jan 2013
This was the first E-cig I tried when I quit smoking, and I am still using the same battery a year later. Theres some wear and tear on it, the black paint is flaking off around the edges, but it still performs great. Charge still lasts a good 3 days of regular vaping all day. Have been using the Cone style cover, 510 atomizer, and drip tip combo since then, and has worked great for me till now. Great product.
Posted by Unknown on 28th Sep 2012
Very nice she loves it tyvm
Posted by Unknown on 9th Sep 2012
The pass thru battery is a welcome product for a couple reasons. First, charging the battery does not require disassembly of the unit, and secondly the mini USB is a common part and lessens the accumulation of product specific cords.
Posted by Janet on 2nd Aug 2012
I really like this passthrough and only use it as a passthrough. My first one lasted 9 months before it died, with hours of daily chain vaping. My second one not so long. My 3rd one acted bizarre (I got it out to use it for the first time 3 days ago and all I could get it to do was blink. It has been blinking for 48 hours. The 5-click on/off does nothing. I notified Dustin and he sent another right away and it's behaving just fine. Customer service gets 5 stars too!
Posted by JOY, Felton on 22nd Jul 2012
Simply stated, Easy and Convenient, charging on the go (car), while on the computer, or with an adapter into a wall socket so it is ready to use always
Posted by joy on 22nd Jul 2012
Simply stated, easy and convenient. Charging with many different options, on the go (car) While on the computer, or in a plug socket with adapter....So it is always ready to use
Posted by Unknown on 9th May 2012
I love this so much that I order a second one and a carrying case, that looks like a knife case. A nice way to carry instead of the pocket
Posted by Nick on 21st Apr 2012
This is my first ego pass-through. So far It works great, the 5 click button on and off feature is nice to have if you keep it in your pocket. I plan on ordering another as a backup.
Thanks Chris.
Posted by t from wi on 5th Apr 2012
i ordered my very 1st passthru almost exactly one year ago today & after non-stop vaping it finally gave out yesterday. luckily, i recently ordered a 2nd passthru to have 1 in the car & 1 in the house so i'm not without, but just have to say as i order a replacement today- way to go myfreedomsmokes! great prducts, great service.
Posted by Mike on 29th Feb 2012
Agreed with other reviewers -- this is a useful product. Unlike the one reviewer, I did find that the passthrough eGo battery has the 5-clicks-to-active/5-to-deactivate feature. Perhaps the feature was added since the review was posted (in Sept. of 2011). The on/off feature is super-handy for carrying the batteries around without worry about accidental activation. I did once fry an eGo cartomizer due to an unnoticed activation and I'm glad to have the safety feature now. As for the metal end cap: I finally just decided to remove those and not keep them on the batteries. Leaving the caps off hasn't caused any problems so far.
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