Cartridge can only be used with eGo Cone (Type A) Atomizer
*1.5ml Capacity
*Only Flat mouth piece
*This cartridges hold about 1.5ml e-liquid
Posted by Steel Mage from NC. on 29th Aug 2012
While many have moved on to Cartomizers and tanks including myself to some degree, I still find that some juices just taste better using a plain eGo Type A, LR Atomizer and cartridge. The atty and cartridge is my favorite for MFS's 100% VG RY4 juice. These cartridges wick 100% VG juice real well. The great flavor of this juice is muted and tastes different, not bad just different in a carto or tanks. So as long as they keep making and selling eGo Type A atty's and these cartridges, I'll keep buying them.