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Slims Menthol E-Liquid

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Slim Menthol E-Liquid

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  1. Wonderful Methol-lite

    Posted by Buddy on 13th Jan 2013

    I have been smoking for over 40 years and been trying to quit for 20. The eGO-T is the first successful effort so far. Not completely quit yet, but down to 1 or 2 regular menthol cig per day. I now prefer the Slims Menthol over the regular menthol cigs. If only the battery charge would last all day I'd be set.

  2. The best !!

    Posted by New Orleans on 25th Dec 2012

    When I started smoking e-cigs I thought I would still not be able to quit regular cigarettes as I could not find a menthol e-liquid that would satisfy the craving for my beloved Virginia Slims ultra light silvers. I tried menthol after menthol. Some too strong, some too sweet, some too minty. Some taste like vicks or a halls, some had a chemical taste. Then I found Slims from My Freedom and that was it. I stopped looking for any other e-liquid and I stopped smoking regular cigarettes.
    The only other thing I can say is it's perfect, just perfect. Smooth taste, slightly sweet, great vapor.
    And the shipping is really fast too !!!

  3. Good menthol

    Posted by Unknown on 15th Dec 2012

    This is the best menthol I have found!!


    Posted by T.O. on 7th Dec 2012

    I get a hint of tobacco with a minty throat hit. Very pleasant. Good vaping. Will go in rotation with other menthols. No unpleasant after taste. Would give it 5 stars BUT the mint flavor is a little strong after liquid steeps.

  5. Good

    Posted by Unknown on 28th Nov 2012

    Tastes really good. Has a sweet aftertaste. Nice.

  6. Slim Mentol

    Posted by Susan on 23rd Nov 2012

    This is the only liquid I use. I smoked Virgina Slim for years and this is a great match. This is the only company I buy from.

  7. 1969?....I've come a long way, baby!

    Posted by Mary on 17th Oct 2012

    Yes...I started smoking Virginia Slims in 1969. They were "so cool"...back then. But,as I watched my smoking friends 'fall' over the years, I tried over and over to quit. Unfortunately, I'm one of those (you're out there..you know who you are) who would replace smoking with something as bad or worse. I first heard of and tried menthol ecigs in 2008. Some tasted like vick's vapor rub, others like celery. The first time a used "Slim Menthol E-Liquid", I was flashed-back to that first V-Slim. I haven't smoked a real cigarette since. And finally I know I'll never want to again. If you have to have it, and some of us just 'do'...this is the one. Changed my life. Yes...I've come a long way, baby!

  8. Virigina Slim Menthol

    Posted by Susan on 19th Aug 2012

    I used to smoke Virgina Slim menthol. This taste just like the flavor I used to smoke.

  9. Not what I was expecting

    Posted by Jules on 26th Jun 2012

    This product is STRONG! I really wonder if my e juice was mislabled. i have smoked VS Menthol Lights for years. (I don't want to give away my age). Even the regular were not this strong. i've even diluted it down!!! Still looking for the VS Menthol Light vape.

  10. Very pleased with this flavor!

    Posted by Shelly on 22nd May 2012

    Previously I smoked Virginia Slims Menthol. I have found that this flavor is exactly what I was looking for...I mix it half and half with Virginia VG E-Liquid and it makes the perfect blend!

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