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Lambo Variable Voltage Mod (Upgraded Bomber) Starter Kit

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***May come in a different box.  Atomizer included with this kit will be either 3.0 ohm high resistance or 2.5 ohm standard resistance.  Drip tip may be chrome or clear.

The Lambo allows you to attach eGo threaded atomizers and cartomizers* without the need for an adapter.  It also boasts a beautiful chrome finish and a host of protection circuitry and design.  This is one very nice variable voltage mod for a modest price.  Get yours while they last.

*Note - not all eGo atomizers and cartomizers are compatible.  Some products built by different manufacturers may not fit this device due to the bottom diameter being too large.  If the diameter of the threaded end is larger than 14mm, then it will not fit this device.  The Vision eGo Clearomizer will also not fit this device due to an inner lip that will not allow the inner threads of the clearomizer to reach the threads of the device.


  • Length:  130mm (device only without atomizer or cartomizer attached)
  • Diameter:  22mm

Starter Kit Includes:

  • 1 x Mini Lambo VV Brass Body w/ Chrome finish
  • 1 x 510 Atomizer
  • 1 x 510 Clear Drip Tip
  • 2 x 18650 Lithium Ion Rechargeable batteries rated at 2200mAh
  • 1 x 18650 compatible battery charger


The Lambo Features:

● Material: Brass with chrome finish

● Adjustable spring post to allow compatibility with a wide range of atomizers, cartomizers, and clearomizers.  (Fits 510 or eGo threaded hardware)

● Regulated output : Keeps the voltage the same with each puff regardless of your remaining battery power. As the battery drains, the device will keep the voltage consistent.

● If the activation button is held down for 10 seconds or longer, the device will shut itself off until the button is released.

● Short circuit/Atomizer Protection

● Reverse Battery Protection: Protects against reverse battery installation.

● Battery Monitoring/Over Discharge Protection: The device should monitor the battery voltage and automatically turn off when the battery is overly discharged.

● Amperage Limiting to 2.5 amps : The device should monitor and shut itself off if it detects an excessive over-current conditions.

● Vent hole on the bottom of the device for added safety (releases heat and and pressure to prevent/protect from battery failure).

● The device operates between 3.0v to 6.0v and is adjustable by 0.1 increments.


 **Not Recommended for new e-cig users

Note: Only IMR high drain batteries are recommended to used with this model.


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Product Reviews

  1. to add:

    Posted by Laura on 15th Jul 2012

    The batteries that come with the Lambo VV starter kit fit my E18650 mod which is great as I had issues finding batteries to fit the Ego mod. I bought UFire protected 18650 batteries for my 18650 mod and ruined the switch on it as they werent the right fit even though it screwed together and vaped for a few weeks. I did not know the ego mod had built in /cut off switch, and the UF protected batteries wore away the switch due to the increased height. So all in all, this was a great buy for a cool looking mod, even though a guy kidded me about having a pistol at the sotre the other day! LOL

  2. Vapes up a storm!

    Posted by Laura on 15th Jul 2012

    I have enjoyed my Lambo and love the look of it, although being female, it is a bit on the "big" side as far as e-cigs go! Definitely noticeable in public but worth it. Battery life is not good when vaping over 5 volts and is my only complaint. The price was good for the product especially since I purchased on a free shipping and 15% off coupon sent to me via email. It by far beats the e-power, the rough stacker and the ego variable voltage mod by a mile!

  3. one more thing!

    Posted by Dave on 8th Jul 2012

    you can get the Ego to 510 adapter and you can use the CE4+ and Vision Ego AKA Stardust clearomizer and it does a fantastic Job,sadly i had to get that one elsewhere.you also need this to use a Ego Type C atty as well as it will not screw down far enough to make contact.

  4. tremendous bang for the buck!!!

    Posted by Dave on 8th Jul 2012

    i got mine today and it is fantastic,i used it with several tired but not burnt out atomizers and it brought those back to life.

    i used it with a new Smoktech 6 ML tank with the high resistance dual coil atomizer and it does a tremendous job with them

    i tried the smoktech tank and it is very weak so this puppy does real well with the higher voltages not seeming to lack power to fire them and there was a noticeable difference between 5 volts and 6 volts.

    not to mention the super fast shipping from MFS! thanks Chris!

  5. Sweet Tip (Update)

    Posted by Brian on 1st Jul 2012

    I noticed that some tanks will not draw air while on this mod. This will fix that problem and no more loose tanks to get a draw! Go to the ego miscellaneous parts on this site and order the small thread cover. Screw it on until it hits. Don't over tighten. Then just use your tank. The slits on the thread cover will allow you to draw air in and will let you have a secure tank to boot! It is also a low profile fix that is virtually unnoticeable. Easy as pie ;-)

  6. Best VV Mod!

    Posted by Brian on 27th Jun 2012

    This is the best I've had! Can take all ego stuff too! Way better than my old lava tube. The only thing I would want to see with the next update is a larger display and for it to show the volts with a load. Other than that, this is great! It's a bit heavy, but it's built like a tank! I love the center positive pin that is self-adjustable. That helps a great deal! I am so going to get rubber grip tip and make this look like a lightsaber hahaha looks so much like anakins saber! ;-)

  7. Rock Solid VIR-Volt

    Posted by Randy on 25th Jun 2012

    This MOD Kiks Throat Hit, Huge Vapor Production
    and is Priced Right.

  8. This thing is great and best bang for the buck!

    Posted by Andre on 13th Jun 2012

    This is a great VV Mod and probably the cheapest price on the internet. It is pretty accurate from 3 - 5V and missing some power from 5V up. (Same as earlier versions)
    A big plus is the connector which is 510 AND eGO compatible and is has a spring loaded positive pin, so you don't have electrical connection problems anymore!
    I only gave it 4 Stars, because of the battery charger which only holds 1 battery, the missing power above 5V and that it comes with an atomizer that you can't really use without a cartridge unless you wanna drip one drop at a time... A few more options like reading the resistance of an atomizer would be awesome, but I guess that's a little too much to ask for 90 bucks. If you really need those extra options, which you'll barely use, go get a totally overpriced ProVari. Your vaping experience will be the same though... :-)

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