For use with eGo Tank Cartridge
Posted by krist on 8th Apr 2011
if like my this is the first time you received new attys some advice about using them. (in my starting pack i bought 4 total about 4 months ago) (my attys took a 5-10 count due to age)
soak them in some rubbing alcohol or vodka or everclear liquor for 5 minutes then blow tap water through them then blow air through and dry them in a towel. then let them sit 5 minutes or so. then put your tank on them making sure the are completely inserted into atty. let them sit upright for a few (1-2) minutes to absorbe the e-juice. (PRIMING)
they are new they will function better so take shorter puffs then normal (3-5 sec) , little bits of smoke until you get a normal plume of smoke. you may at first get slightly burnt taste that means you pressed the buttom to long that is all. you have to break these in. you may already know this if you have had the system a while (so if i missed anything do add to my advice. :) .
this attys work great and function fine as soon as the break in and i mean on minutes. my wife used hers and was concerned about the attys and i insisted they were perfectly fine and fixed them up perfectly. your old attys will seem to work better because they are broke in but take a 2-4 more seconds to create the smoke. this is normal and natural. also prepping them will help with slight leakage that you may notice and that is not good in fact it is messy so prep them first.
Posted by krist on 6th Apr 2011
easy to use and fill and the taste is always fresh and pure. if you use the eGo system and have no converted to the tank system DO IT NOW!
a little advice if your clumsy like i am get the black/clear tank cartridges.