60ml and 125ml bottles come with dropper caps. 250ml and 500ml bottle come with standard screw caps.
Posted by Fernand on 12th Oct 2010
Let's face it, vaping someone else's juice is for nubes. It's also like sniffing someone else's bicycle seat. In a world full of boring stuff, where "creative" means picking what movie to watch, mixing your own juice is one of those rare acts of defiance that won't land you in jail ... yet. So get some flavors, some glassware, some plasticware, some diddle bottles, go ahead, drop a couple franklins on outfitting a little alchemist's corner that would make Aligueri green with envy. You will discover a whole whirl of olfactory wonder, as well as a whole range of bad ideas (like Amaretto with rasberry), that will remind you of when the almond-scented green room ruled at Big Q.
By the time you have assembled the basics of your juice sluice, you will realize you've spent a bit more than expected, and still you have no nicotine. Then you might realize those 36 mg/ml "bases" barely leave any room for flavoring, and the 54 Mg stuff is icey pricey. Worry not! MFS has what you need. Not 36, not 54, but 100 mg/ml base at a price so attractive you'd be crazy not to buy a drum.
So, is it good stuff? Well, how can you tell? Does it taste like something Caesar the exterminator forgot? No, it tastes fine, in fact it has no taste other than the slight zzz of nicotine. Is it weaky weaky diluted BS, labeled as 100 mg/ml? Not likely, as I got my first nauseous vaping nicotine OD today at 1/4 strength, testing one of my own mixtures. So, go ahead, cop a bottle or two. The 60 and 125 ml bottles come with a tasteful dropper. I don't know how long it keeps, but I imagine in the darkness and cold of the frig it should keep a good while.
If you're like most vapers, and go through 60 ml of 25 mg/ml juice a month, a 60 ml bottle of 100 mg/ml MFS base that makes 1/4 liter of 25/ml stuff, should last you 4 months. At $34, it helps amortize the rest of your alchemist's supplies. Even if you dropped three bills on vaporware equipment and supplies, over 4 months that works out to $75 a month, that being half of what you used to spend on cigs when you only smoked a single $5 pack a day, and from there on, it's all gravy! So stock up on MFS unflavored base, some DIY supplies, and mix away!