E-Liquid Not Included
This is not some generic knock-off brand. SmokTech is known for manufacturing electronic cigarette hardware and accessories that are unsurpassed in both quality and performance, and their starter kits are no exception.
The SmokTech brand ePower eGo Mod Kit found here boasts a tube with eGo connections designed to house the included ePower Lithium Rechargeable Batteries rated at a massive 2800mah. This is over 4 times the capacity of a standard 650mah eGo battery and 3 times the capacity of the 900mah eGo battery. This means that it will last 3-4 times as long between charges. This also means that the battery tube and battery in this kit are larger than standard eGo sized batteries. See below for dimensions.
It is recommended that you also purchase e-liquid with this kit so that you can fill the included cartridges since they do not come pre-filled.
Dimensions of Battery Tube:
Diameter: 20mm (13/16 inch)
Length: 106mm (4 3/16 inches)
Posted by Mike on 10th Jan 2012
Just got mine been using it all day I love this thing.. For anyone looking for a big battery mod but dont wanna hassle with varible voltage this mod is for you!
a huge 2800 mah battery will last you forever !! 510 connections or an adapter to switch it up! This is a perfect e-cig for tanks as well! Great for newbs or pros its a 5 star choice at a 5 star price!
Posted by Samantha T on 19th Dec 2011
I admit openly that I do not own this mod in particular; however, I do have the unit made before this unit. It is wonderful! With regards to the E-Power (18650 - battery capacity), I have had the opportunity to take a few vapes off this model. Afterward, I was hooked. It took me 4-5mos to save for the E-Power (14650) Model but it was worth every dime! After having the ability to vape this unit a few times, I am more than willing to attempt to put back a little money each month until I can afford to purchase this model, even if it takes 6-12mos.
The E-Power Mods are great devices because they are not only less expensive when it comes to purchasing batteries, which are inserted into the tube that connects to the switch then the switch connects to various atomizers and cartomizers, including the dual cartomizers. It is also possible to use alternatives to the 510 threading by purchasing adapters that will allow the use of a 306, 808, and other types of atomizers and cartomizers. There is even a adapter in the 510 model that offers a little height (510 shortie) for use with long atomizers such as the 801 and 901 attys as well as a longer 510 with more height (510 height adapter) allows for more height, which in addition with certain atomizers it allows the use of the cone that works with the E-Power but is too large for the Ego. You can even purchase an E-Power to Ego adapter to allow specific Ego options to work with E-Power ones.
This is a great starter kit, especially for those who have been vaping for a long time. The power and lack of need to constantly charge batteries every couple hours is well worth the cost too.
The E-Power e-cigarette creates these amazing plums of vapor thanks to the powerful batteries used in the unit. Again these batteries are great because instead of paying anywhere from $18 to $25+ per battery unit with enclosed & irremovable batteries; whereas the E-Power batteries pop out when the switch is unscrewed from the tube. The batteries for the E-Power runs anywhere from $5.99 to $8.99 not including shipping costs. Some of the high-drain batteries that work with the E-Power may cost a bit more but they appear to be worth it but it will require time and the opportunity to purchase one of the high-drain batteries to know myself.
Another great feature for the E-Power Units (both models) is the fact that when a part goes back, it doesn't require tossing the entire unit. The tube that holds a battery, the switch itself, and the atomizer as well as the batteries can be replaced without muss or fuss. If the switch should quit, simply by a new one if there is no way to bring it back to life, you simply purchase a new switch for your specific model (18650 model or the 14650 model). Should the tube become dented, which is highly unlikely since these tubes are almost indestructible; however, SHOULD the tube go bad, it is available for replacement including the spring that sits in the bottom to make for connection power so the unit can work.
The new E-Power 18650 battery model is a well-built unit that allows for replacing batteries at lower costs, replacing non-working parts at lower costs, and like the 14650 battery model I use daily offers the same options only the E-Power 18650 has a lot more power behind it.
Last but certainly not least, the 18650 battery E-Power is a major improvement over it's predecessor. What few bugs were that existed in the 14650 battery E-Power are no longer an issue in the 18650. It is clearly the most superior and the materials used in the unit makes it one that will withstand the test of time.
FYI: It is important to ensure the batteries charge completely upon receipt. The batteries have some charge in them for testing out the new unit but it is always best to charge the battery completely, which can take up to 2-3 hours. (There are other chargers for this model battery that can charge anywhere from 2 to 4 of the batteries at a time; however, it is important to make sure your specific rechargeable battery will work with any charger you attempt to purchase because placing batteries in a non-compatible charger can cause the charger to catch on fire, short out, or cause the batteries themselves to explode to be ultra vigilant if you choose a separate, larger charger for the long haul. The company building these E-Power units along with the retail shops that sell them cannot be held responsible for a patron who does not make sure they have the right charger for the right battery., nor should they be.
Again, this is a workhorse and one in which I hope I can own sometime in the future because that first vape from the stronger E-Power when compared to my E-Power left mine in the proverbial dust. The heating elements and abilities produce more flavor intensity and vapor than my outdated model. MFS is right in saying that this is not a "fly-by-night generic knock-off." I have personally spoken with a gentleman from the Smok-Tech and it was easy to understand how this company managed to come up with this amazing e-cigarette. It is as good as life can be with e-cigs not to mention the adapters that can be used wherever or whenever without fear of the unit dying from battery loss*
* Battery care, full charging, and only purchasing protected batteries is the safest route to take. Never leave a charging battery unattended or allow it to run when nobody is home. This is nothing more than commonsense and a large case of prevention. Even the rechargeable Energizer batteries I use for remote controls, gaming controls for our daughter, and the batteries used in my mouse are all rechargeable and they all receive special attention while the charging is taken place to prevent any charger/battery mishaps.