Aspire Nautilus Mini (BVC) Tank Clearomizer

Aspire Nautilus Mini (BVC) Tank Clearomizer

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Aspire Nautilus Mini (BVC) Tank Clearomizer

Aspire Nautilus Mini (BVC) Tank Clearomizer

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Item #: MINI-NAUTILUS In stock
Aspire Nautilus Mini (BVC) Tank Clearomizer   +$22.95

Price as configured: $0.00


The Nautilus Mini is the next generation of tank systems. Made of stainless steel and Pyrex glass, the Nautilus Mini uses the Aspire “BVC” (Bottom Vertical Coil) atomizer technology. This new technology is designed to last longer while still giving users the purest and cleanest taste from e-liquids. The Nautilus Mini includes an improved four-port adjustable airflow system that is both user friendly and reliable. This unique four-port system allows the user to adjust the draw, warmth of vapor, and amount of vapor produced. The Nautilus Mini design also makes it easy to carry, install, and refill.

While the BVC is technically not a "dual coil" its performance is designed to be comparable with or exceed the current BDCs on the market.  Therefore, we have decided to leave it listed in the dual coil category rather than create a new BVC category containing only these products.

Contents of kit:
* 1 2ml Nautilus Mini Tank (1.8 ohm BVC atomizer pre-installed)
* 1 replacement BVC atomizer (1.8 ohm)
* 1 eGo threaded cone * 1 user manual


Aspire is transitioning from regular cotton to organic cotton on all of their atomizer and replacement coil heads.  While the packaging of the replacement coils is not changing, the coils themselves will be made with organic cotton from now on.  There are a few ways to tell whether your Aspire Replacement Coil box contains organic cotton coils or the older style cotton coils:

  • Some replacement head packages come with an advisory card inside which indicates that the replacement heads are made with organic cotton. 
  • Look at the foil on the blister pack containing the replacement heads.  If it reads only "Aspire" on the foil, the coils inside are the older type.  If the foil has any other instructions, or if "organic cotton" is written on the foil, the package contains the newer, organic cotton heads.
  • The wicking holes on the new, organic cotton heads are larger than the holes on the older, non-organic cotton heads.  A side-by-side comparison of the old and new heads will let you see the difference.
  • The packaging for newer Aspire Atlantis replacement has checkboxes on one side showing the different resistance levels the heads are available in.  If you see these checkboxes on the side of your Replacement Coil box, it means the newer, organic cotton coil heads are inside.

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