<![CDATA[MyFreedomSmokes.com: Latest News]]> https://www.myfreedomsmokes.com 2012-08-04T17:08:25Z 2011-07-07T14:16:04Z 2011-07-07T14:16:04Z https://www.myfreedomsmokes.com/news/3/glossary-of-terms.html <![CDATA[Glossary of Terms]]> Glossary of Terms

As you get into the world of electronic cigarettes, you will find there are many terms used.  We have compiled a dictionary for you to use as you browse the Internet looking for electronic cigarettes.  These are the most common terms used.

2-piece/Disposable - 2 part e-cigarette. Battery and a “cartomizer”
3-piece - 3 part e-cigarette. Battery, atomizer, and cartridge
Analog - Regular cigarette
Anti’s - Anti-smoking people against vaping
Atty - Atomizer
Bat - Battery
Cart - Cartridge
Cartomizer - An atomizer built into the cartridge
Cutoff - How long the battery will activate the atomizer before shutting down
Dripping - Adding a few drops of e-liquid directly on the atomizer to vape
Dipping - Sticking the bridge of the atomizer in e-liquid to vape
DIY - Do it yourself (homemade e-liquid mixture)
E-cig or E-cigarette - Electronic cigarette
E-juice, e-liquid, juice - Liquid nicotine that you fill cartridges with
Filler - The fiber inside the cartridge that holds the e-liquid
Mod - Homemade device
PCC - Personal charging case
PG - Propylene glycol-based e-liquid
Pull - Sucking on the mouthpiece to pull the vapor into your mouth
PV - Personal vaporizer
PT - Passthrough battery
TH - Throat hit (tingling sensation in the back of your throat)
Topping off - Adding drops of e-liquid to your current cartridge
Vape, Vaping - The use of an e-cigarette
Vapor - the “smoke” emitted from an e-cigarette
VG - Vegetable glycerin-based e-liquid
