Turbosmog E-Liquid
Posted by Unknown on 10th Sep 2011
This is the shizz! No doubt. Unbelievable flavor. Amazing vapor. Damn this is so good. I get all kinds of over, under, through and put me on the floor flavor. A nice pairing for a glass of malbec.
Posted by NoMoreMondays on 11th Jun 2011
This one is a tough one to describe as far as taste goes. On an eGo mega cartomizer it's heaven to the square: Sweet tobacco that doesn't leave me with that "where's the rest of the taste?" feeling. Distinct tobacco absolute taste with a bit of - maybe - vanilla.
In a 510 cartridge: Holy smokes! Like the real thing with a sweet nutty sort of taste. This is the best ever!!!
In a mega Ce2 cartomizer (steel): Warm sweet delightful tobacco taste, but not as mouth-watering tasty as the above methods.
The vapor production is kick posterior.
Posted by Unknown on 10th Mar 2011
Great taste. Great vapor. Those of you looking for a slightly sweet pipe tobacco-esque liquid, you've found it. Just don't buy too much so I have some to vape, too.
Posted by Lilly :) on 9th Mar 2011
This flavor is unique and incredible. A great tobacco smoke, fresh with the slight sweet essence of a pipe tobacco. Whatever is in this stuff is right on the money. Great taste, great vape. I cant see how ANYONE would be disappointed with this killer juice.
Posted by Jan on 14th Dec 2010
Holy cow what's in this stuff!!!! super vapor, feels like the real deal and tasty too