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510 USB Pass-Through(Sold-Out)

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510 USB Pass-Through

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Product Reviews

  1. Fantastic usb power supply

    Posted by William T. Cratty Sr. on 19th Jan 2011

    This is a great way to vape on the go, I use it in my truck and also
    at home. I have a setup for the lighter in my cars and a pass thru
    for 110 outlets at the house. Saves my battery for when I have no access
    to a pass thru power supply.
    Thank you Chris for your help and your fast reply to my email!

  2. Works good

    Posted by Mike on 29th Nov 2010

    Was supposed to nbe black and I got blue. Works just fine though.

  3. At the computer, in the vehicle too... no worries about charging batteries on long trips.

    Posted by J. Naipier-Kane aka Dr Torchwood USA on 10th Nov 2010

    I was amazed how quick my order was dealt with, shipped out & time it took to get to me...

    I'd ordered one of these 510 USB 'Pass-Through' units as I work on my PC a lot & also have a USB connection in my Suburban...

    It made perfect sense to spend $16.95 on something that would not only allow me to vape' whilst at the PC or whilst driving long distances without having to keep thinking about charging my 510's batteries...

    But it made even more sense to get one so I can save the number of re-charges needed in the long run on my 510's which will make them last a lot longer.

    The beauty of it is that once you have killed the battery that comes with this pass-through from using it for ever & then some, you can replace the battery without any tools needed & it will live to vape' another day.

    I also found that the power from it gives my 510 atomizers that little extra kick, making what I would say is the 'Perfect Vapor'

    If you want to mess with people that have never seen an E-Cig, plug the USB pass-through into their laptop, tell them it is a virus fumigation tool... take a hit on it & watch their faces (Sorry, mind of an Ex-Magician at work there folkz).

    End of the day, outside of my new 510 kit with the auto batteries from MFS this USB pass-through is perhaps the best $16.95 I have ever spent on anything EVER!!!!!

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