Passthrough battery compatible with eGo/eGo-T/eGo-C parts
The particular passthrough can be used both while plugged into the USB or on the go, making it perfect for someone that is very mobile. Simply unscrew the end cap and plug it in using the included cable via the Mini-USB port located directly on the end of the battery, you can still use it while it charges, and then unplug it and take it with you when you leave.
Posted by Unknown on 21st Sep 2011
I really like my eGo pass-through. The common plug-in is a plus as well. I can plug it into my car via my GPS cord to the AC outlet.
However, it doesn't seem to have the same 5 click on/off feature as the two 1000Mah batteries that came with my eGo T starter kit.
I also wish they had designed some type of hinge arrangement for the end cap. I will eventually lose it. The pass-through battery is 650Mah. So, it's unlikely I'll get the same long life performance. But, as far as "plugged in" vaping is concerned, it gets the job done well! Overall, I'm happy with it.