Menthol Crystals to be dissolved in E-Liquid to add a menthol flavoring.
Posted by DivaB on 13th Mar 2011
I love these crystals. These have a better flavor than some that I purchased else where...yes there are different qualities and different levels for certain uses. These are now my go to crystals for mixing.
Posted by Fernand on 19th Oct 2010
This is enough menthol to last a while. The crystals are huge and beautiful. Take the little ziplock they come in and put it in one or two additional layers of plastic bag. Hold the baggie up to the sun. Contemplate the equilibrium of forces, the power of geometry, the way the light shines through them, then put it on the counter and smash them Crystals with the nearest blunt object to a powder. Work the powder into a 4-10 ml glass bottle to the top without packing too much, then slowly add PG to fill. Cap the bottle. Run hot water on it while turning and shaking. Leave it to sit and fully dissolve. Makes a mondo menthol extract.