Camel e liquid has the aroma and flavor of the popular brand of the same name.
Our extract recipe of the Camel cigarette is definitely something to be enjoyed.
E Juice has never been this good. This is an electronic cigarette juice for those who love quality.
Camel is a popular United States tobacco flavor.
Showing reviews 1-10 of 14 | Next
Posted by Unknown on 1st Dec 2011
out of the tobacco flavors i've tried this is the only thing that leaves me feeling like i just had a cigarette. it has a semi-sweet taste for some reason but i don't mind.
Posted by Unknown on 30th Nov 2011
I got a big 60ml bottle this time. I tried some back in August, and to me this is even better. I don't know if MFS has changed anything or not.
This is some good liquid. I don't see how anyone could say they don't like this.
Its my favorite I think.
Posted by Unknown on 20th Oct 2011
I have purchased E-liquid from many different places and I have tried many different E-liquid flavors. But they always end up tasting like crap. FINALLY SOMEONE GOT IT RIGHT. This stuff is wayyyy better than any other E-liquid I have tried. It has a great throat hit and it tastes awsome, not to mention it costs less than half the price that smoke shops charge. GREAT STUFF!
Posted by Unknown on 23rd Sep 2011
I started smoking this a while ago and it is all I use now. I do cut it with some caramel flavor 1/2 camel24 and a little lessbthan 1/2 caramel 0 that I make myself. It's perfect for my tastesand more satisfyingbthan any cigarette.
Posted by Unknown on 21st Sep 2011
first off as a smoker I was a morlboro girl and hubby was the camel guy. this was one of my first eliquids ever. I have since gone to mostly diy mainly for cost but when nothing is "hitting" me right this is the only thing that satisfies me. one of these days I will try the marlboro but for now camel is pure perfection.
Posted by jed on 29th Aug 2011
I totally remember exactly how a camel cig tastes and smells, this is it, dead on, no pulling your leg or happy with it at first and then start hating it like other liquids. So far in my vaping experience, this is the smoothest friendliest vape I have come across. So goooood.
Posted by newportbill1 on 15th Aug 2011
What a great juice, I mean I love it in every way possible,the taste, the, vape the throat hit, I guess all I can say is next time I order it will be 500 ml so I will have plenty, and for Chris, great stuff dude, keep it coming,
Posted by Jon on 5th Jul 2011
The liquid is sweet, but not too sweet. I smoked Camel Lights, and this juice is really close. Very smooth. This one is a daily vape. At 36mg, I still get the flavor.
Posted by Unknown on 23rd Feb 2011
After trying 25 different e liquids from different vendors, this is by far the best I've vaped. I got it in 18mg and it has the flavor, throat hit, and vapor like a 24mg e liquid. It's smooth and flavorful. This stuff is the best. If you decide to try it, make sure to get it in either the 125ml or 500ml. I wished that I did because this stuff is always sold out. I'm looking at three quarters of a 20ml bottle and worring what I'm going to do once it runs out. Words cant explain how good this stuff is.
Posted by jamie on 31st Jan 2011
this stuff rocks
Showing reviews 1-10 of 14 | Next